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Geez, the liberal media can spin even Canadian elections

This is coming from the same person who said she only hears about Canadian politics and news from right wing radio hosts.
Oh and about the article, they’re obviously full of shit.

Since the Conservatives are in a minority government position they can’t introduce anything to stupid or right wing such as private healthcare, a deficit budget, reversing gay marriage, and abortion.

It will be more of the same because the Conservatives will be in constant check by the other parties.

As for US relations nothing will change any time soon unless the Bush administration remembers what NAFTA is and actually seeks UN approval for future military operations.
^Pretty much.

And GTC, when did I say I got my information about Canadian politics from right wing news radio? That's right, I didn't. I couldn't have cared less about Canadian politics right up until I read that article. I believe what you say, that Harper isn't going to be able to do anything but just remember this, this is how it all starts. How do you think U.S. Republicans got control of the House, the Senate and the White House? Too many liberal screw ups and the liberals' very wrong assumption that they're so loved every tax paying citizen is just going to put up with it.

Check with me in 12 years, money says the conservatives will be running Canada too.
Big Dick McGee said:
The UN is a joke.
... because its member nations, which have agreed to abide by its restrictions, have failed to, in clear violation of their legal obligations.
It's illegal to break out windows you don't own but if my child is in a burning building and the only way I can get to them is to break out the windows...I'm breaking out the windows.
Laker_Girl said:
^Pretty much.

And GTC, when did I say I got my information about Canadian politics from right wing news radio? That's right, I didn't.
You fucking know you did you lying cunt and if you hadn’t said it so long ago I’d dig through your posts to bitch slap you with it.

I couldn't have cared less about Canadian politics right up until I read that article.
Then stay out of Canadian politics you ignorant tool.

I believe what you say, that Harper isn't going to be able to do anything but just remember this, this is how it all starts. How do you think U.S. Republicans got control of the House, the Senate and the White House?
Oh look some slippery slope bullshit. Come back when you’ve got something realistic because the Conservatives had to bend over backwards during the campaign to appear more centerline in order to gain voters. A far right wing party cannot survive in Canada.

Too many liberal screw ups and the liberals' very wrong assumption that they're so loved every tax paying citizen is just going to put up with it.
More outright lies from you. It was the sponsorship scandal and the allegations of corruption that saw the drop in Liberal popularity. It had nothing to do with policy decisions.

Check with me in 12 years, money says the conservatives will be running Canada too.
And you’re full of it.
Grandtheftcow said:
You fucking know you did you lying cunt and if you hadn’t said it so long ago I’d dig through your posts to bitch slap you with it.

Then stay out of Canadian politics you ignorant tool.

Oh look some slippery slope bullshit. Come back when you’ve got something realistic because the Conservatives had to bend over backwards during the campaign to appear more centerline in order to gain voters. A far right wing party cannot survive in Canada.

More outright lies from you. It was the sponsorship scandal and the allegations of corruption that saw the drop in Liberal popularity. It had nothing to do with policy decisions.

And you’re full of it.

May I offer you a Midol?

Hey, where do Canadians threaten to move when their political party doesn't win? Like what? France?

Anyhoo, get pissy as much as you want, you're full of poo. I may have gotten a bit of Canadian political news from conservative radio but I do not rely on conservative radio to keep up with Canadian politics. Sooooo, not the same thing, shit for brains. And don't get mad at me because I'll be proven right, just remember I said it and you can hate me then...About 12 years from now...Make a calendar and write it down. :smooch:
Laker_Girl said:
May I offer you a Midol?

Hey, where do Canadians threaten to move when their political party doesn't win? Like what? France?

Anyhoo, get pissy as much as you want, you're full of poo. I may have gotten a bit of Canadian political news from conservative radio but I do not rely on conservative radio to keep up with Canadian politics. Sooooo, not the same thing, shit for brains. And don't get mad at me because I'll be proven right, just remember I said it and you can hate me then...About 12 years from now...Make a calendar and write it down. :smooch:
Oh look a whole lot of absolutely nothing.

Its not like you had any idea about what you were talking about from the beginning.
Grandtheftcow said:
Oh look a whole lot of absolutely nothing.

Its not like you had any idea about what you were talking about from the beginning.

Why are you acting like such a girl? Are you really that insulted that I find it amusing that the liberal media can spin a story like the tea cup ride at Disneyland? Or is it that I'm a conservative and you just hate, hate, hate that conservatives are winning left and right?
Laker_Girl said:
Why are you acting like such a girl? Are you really that insulted that I find it amusing that the liberal media can spin a story like the tea cup ride at Disneyland? Or is it that I'm a conservative and you just hate, hate, hate that conservatives are winning left and right?
Don’t confuse my disgust with your ignorance and stupidity with my political views.
My ignorance and stupidity? Have you met you?

You were once a cool dude and now you're just another excellent reason to hate Canada. Every male (I say male because there are clearly no real MEN in Canada) Canadian I've ever met, here at TK and otherwise have been moronic pricks. Must be something in the water...Like Mad Cow Disease.

Later butt munch. If you have something to add to the political discussion feel free but I'll no longer be addressing your childish attacts, son.