Get Over It People! The New World Is Ours!!


beer, I want beer
Enough with the non-white races of this world attempting to take possession of what is rightfully the property of the white races - the New World. We took it. It is our so they can all shut the fuck up and mind their own business.


The New World. Opened for exploitation by an Italian on the behalf of the Spanish Crown in 1492. Exploited jointly by Spain and Portugal primarily, followed by France and then England, who didn't have significant holdings until the mid 17th century (and shortly lost control of the more settled half). Current population less than half descended from the British Isles in spite of widespread interbreeding and genocidal/territorial tendencies of the predominantly Northern Europe-descended nations.
SaintLucifer said:
Enough with the non-white races of this world attempting to take possession of what is rightfully the property of the white races - the New World. We took it. It is our so they can all shut the fuck up and mind their own business.


It's been done, fuckwit.
TJHairball said:
The New World. Opened for exploitation by an Italian on the behalf of the Spanish Crown in 1492. Exploited jointly by Spain and Portugal primarily, followed by France and then England, who didn't have significant holdings until the mid 17th century (and shortly lost control of the more settled half). Current population less than half descended from the British Isles in spite of widespread interbreeding and genocidal/territorial tendencies of the predominantly Northern Europe-descended nations.

Read it and weap DIPSHIT. PWned yet again.
As usual, your links completely neglect the role of the 30 Years' War in halting the expansion of the Spanish Empire. The loss of the Armada was a drop in the ocean compared to that.

England didn't become a major power until the 18th century. Their greatest holdings in the New World, proportionally? Mid 18th century, before American independence - about 10 million colonists at the time and basically the northern East Coast of North America (GA to QB).

In absolute terms? Canada itself in its fully expanded modern entirety, representing 6% of the population of North America, although 40% of its total land surface. The "Americas" as a whole - the "New World" - totals nearly 900 million, of which even the total populations of the US and Canada (both far more diverse than Britannia) are just under 40%, holding less than half the total land in the Americas (most of it marginally habitable.)

The total number of British Isles descent? No more than 200 million or so.

Now, the British Empire was itself quite impressive in the scale of its global holdings... but their holdings in the New World were never impressive. If the New World was truly claimed by any, it was (and remains) the Iberians, not the Britons, who claimed the bulk of it.
The Question said:
SaintLudicrous is playing a fairly good troll persona in this thread; unfortunately, he hasn't considered his audience.
Agreed. That TJHairball really seems to get his rocks off on any excuse to go over things in pedantic detail and show off trivial knowledge that can be easily found on Wikipedia... and that Hambil never seems to get provoked past laughter... and Messenger and TQ won't even take him seriously.

It's like trying to douse a fire by spitting mouthfuls of vodka at it and dancing around it naked.
TJHairball said:
As usual, your links completely neglect the role of the 30 Years' War in halting the expansion of the Spanish Empire. The loss of the Armada was a drop in the ocean compared to that.

England didn't become a major power until the 18th century. Their greatest holdings in the New World, proportionally? Mid 18th century, before American independence - about 10 million colonists at the time and basically the northern East Coast of North America (GA to QB).

In absolute terms? Canada itself in its fully expanded modern entirety, representing 6% of the population of North America, although 40% of its total land surface. The "Americas" as a whole - the "New World" - totals nearly 900 million, of which even the total populations of the US and Canada (both far more diverse than Britannia) are just under 40%, holding less than half the total land in the Americas (most of it marginally habitable.)

The total number of British Isles descent? No more than 200 million or so.

Now, the British Empire was itself quite impressive in the scale of its global holdings... but their holdings in the New World were never impressive. If the New World was truly claimed by any, it was (and remains) the Iberians, not the Britons, who claimed the bulk of it.

I told you that you were a MORON.
We can come to the conclusion that Argentina and all of South America was indeed a British creation. For the rest of the nineteenth century there was no need for the British to further their influence in this part of the world. They had already been as successful as they had needed to be. To help reinforce this point is the fact that subsequently a great many British and Imperial subjects took the opportunity of relocating and settling in Argentina and South America. Even today, Argentina has a population of over 500,000 British subjects, the largest such population outside of the British Commonwealth Countries or the United States. Argentina and England remained the best of friends and closest of allies until after WWII. The ties came to an almost complete halt after England joined the Common Market.

Stupid fuck. Now go sit in your corner and shut the fuck up. You have not a clue what you are talking about. We MADE the world. Civilised it if you will.

SaintLucifer said:
We can come to the conclusion that Argentina and all of South America was indeed a British creation. For the rest of the nineteenth century there was no need for the British to further their influence in this part of the world. They had already been as successful as they had needed to be. To help reinforce this point is the fact that subsequently a great many British and Imperial subjects took the opportunity of relocating and settling in Argentina and South America. Even today, Argentina has a population of over 500,000 British subjects, the largest such population outside of the British Commonwealth Countries or the United States. Argentina and England remained the best of friends and closest of allies until after WWII. The ties came to an almost complete halt after England joined the Common Market.

Stupid fuck. Now go sit in your corner and shut the fuck up. You have not a clue what you are talking about. We MADE the world. Civilised it if you will.

SaintLucifer said:
Again, nothing at all to address what I brought up.

Key quote from your own links:
The people of Buenos Aires single-handedly defeated this huge invasion force in hand-to-hand and street-by-street fighting.
Britain, we may note, found itself unable to establish a foothold in South America... in spite of trying. Hard.
TJHairball said:
Again, nothing at all to address what I brought up.

Key quote from your own links: Britain, we may note, found itself unable to establish a foothold in South America... in spite of trying. Hard.

We can come to the conclusion that Argentina and all of South America was indeed a British creation. For the rest of the nineteenth century there was no need for the British to further their influence in this part of the world. They had already been as successful as they had needed to be. To help reinforce this point is the fact that subsequently a great many British and Imperial subjects took the opportunity of relocating and settling in Argentina and South America. Even today, Argentina has a population of over 500,000 British subjects, the largest such population outside of the British Commonwealth Countries or the United States. Argentina and England remained the best of friends and closest of allies until after WWII. The ties came to an almost complete halt after England joined the Common Market.

Unfortunately, there are almost two generations of British and Argentine citizens who have forgotten, have not studied, or are not aware of how close these two countries once were.

You were saying... ? Learn to read.
SaintLucifer said:
You were saying...
...that even your Brit-Empire-Uber-Alles propaganda, which fails to account for history occurring outside the Empire, can't manage to give Britain more than a toehold on the Americas and "indirect influence."

The New World is not (and never has been) a creature of the British Empire.
SaintLucifer said:
Enough with the non-white races of this world attempting to take possession of what is rightfully the property of the white races - the New World. We took it. It is our so they can all shut the fuck up and mind their own business.



Please define the characteristics and genetic history of the "white race." And provide scientific data to support that pale-coloured people are superior.

And--optional--tell us what exactly a "race" is, while you're fumbling with that other shit, Einstein.

(No, really; I'm curious what manner of links this meatball will squeeze out. )
Duncelor said:
Please define the characteristics and genetic history of the "white race." And provide scientific data to support that pale-coloured people are superior.

And--optional--tell us what exactly a "race" is, while you're fumbling with that other shit, Einstein.

(No, really; I'm curious what manner of links this meatball will squeeze out. )

Well I dont know about SaintLucifer, but I do know there are others here who could answer.

Looks like a pretty poorly done book.
The greatest military leader of all time, Alexander the Macedonian, conquers all of the known world and creates the kingdoms of Syria Ptolemaic Egypt.
Not exactly what I would refer to as a stellar example of white supremacy.

What Alexander conquered was pretty much the Persian Empire, plus some tiny "pocket change" states here and there. He did so from what was one of the more technologically advanced and most organized cultures in the region (i.e., the Greeks). He did advance Greek geography, true.

The Persian Empire was ruled by Persians. Who, mind you, were (and largely still are) also white. If anything, Persians (in my experience) are more likely to be blond and blue-eyed than Greeks. When Alexander tried India... he failed. Miserably enough to be completely ignored by Indian history.

Compare this, if you will, to the career of Chinggis Khan, whose armies never saw defeat in his lifetime, from Poland to Persia to China. He did this with one of the least populated, most disorganized, economically underdeveloped, and resource-poor populations on the continent. It is said that the Mongols didn't even have their own blacksmiths, for the most part.

Alexander built on the very significant political and military advances of Phillip II, who built Macedon into a local military powerhouse; Chinggis started from scratch and wound up with an Empire that you could stick Alexander's into one corner of and rattle it around.

Alexander lost a whole campaign; Chinggis didn't lose a single battle - over a noticably longer career. Alexander's empire fell apart immediately upon his death; Chinggis's started to become less politically coherent only after the death of his son Ogedai (although it continued to expand), and its component parts - each larger than Alexander's Empires - were still ruled by the Khans for several generations more.

Shall I now conclude the Mongolian race was anointed to rule the Earth, and only a succession dispute allowed the lesser conquered races to hold back the Mongolians, who have since been oppressed by a vast Sino-Russo conspiracy backed by vast numbers?