Ghost Rider is missing

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I'm sure a lot of you guys don't like him, hell I don't much like him either. He's always been a bit of a cunt to me, however he's a human being and he has people who care about him, so I'm posting this here. It's a copy/paste from my site.

Ghost Rider, a regular member on SDN has gone missing. He disappeared after New Years when he traveled to New York City. He checked out of his hotel and left his cell phone and other belongings in the room. His family and friends are very worried, if you have any information at all, please post in this thread at SDN. If you are not a member of SDN, please post in this thread at ASVS and your information will be passed on. You may also contact Detective Bernagozzi of the NYPD 17th precinct at 212-826-3206. This is his picture, and a link to the missing person's handout.



Elder Statesman
I'll bet that the Dingos got him.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Wait a minute.. Isn't that about the same time Lucy decided to Leave? :hmmm:

Hmmmmmmm!! Looks suspisous I'd say!

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
I'm sure a lot of you guys don't like him, hell I don't much like him either. He's always been a bit of a cunt to me, however he's a human being and he has people who care about him, so I'm posting this here. It's a copy/paste from my site.

Ghost Rider, a regular member on SDN has gone missing. He disappeared after New Years when he traveled to New York City. He checked out of his hotel and left his cell phone and other belongings in the room. His family and friends are very worried, if you have any information at all, please post in this thread at SDN. If you are not a member of SDN, please post in this thread at ASVS and your information will be passed on. You may also contact Detective Bernagozzi of the NYPD 17th precinct at 212-826-3206. This is his picture, and a link to the missing person's handout.

Dirk, before I register at both places to see if I can get more info, was there anything in those threads about, say, which hotel he was staying at? Any more detail at all? (I'm not asking for his IRL info, but I'm in the NYC, for what it's worth.) The missing-persons report is pretty sparse, although that may honestly be all they've got to go on.

Also: downloaded his pic to my Droid, on the one-in-a-million shot that I actually see him around. :shrug:

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Thanks. This is updated info from the SDN thread soon to be copied to my site.

Dennis (Ghost Rider) was staying at the:

Millennium UN Hotel Plaza
One United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017-3575

He was last seen, on security cameras, in front of this hotel getting into a cab at 5:17pm.

At this point, outing his RL info is the least of anyone's concerns. The link to the missing persons flyer has info on his other personal info that could help.


moral imperfection
Maybe it would be a good idea to utilize facebook and over social networks for the search, too. All this cross-linking and world-wide connecting of people and stuff may as well be put to good use.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
I'm not trying to be an ass here, but maybe he deliberately went missing on his own. He might not want to be found (at least not right away anyway)!!


moral imperfection
^Could be. OTOH, there obviously are people who care about him and don't know if something happened to him or if he disappeared on his own accord. I truly think they have the right use all means in the search for answers. If it turns out to have been his choice, well, then at least they will know and be able to sleep without anxiety again.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
There actually is a Facebook page up for him. And, Starguard, that's not an asshole question. In fact, it's something that had been discussed. However, there is some news. It looks like a John Doe showed up at one of the hospitals there with amnesia, who matches Ghost Rider's description. They're working on identifying him now.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
There actually is a Facebook page up for him. And, Starguard, that's not an asshole question. In fact, it's something that had been discussed. However, there is some news. It looks like a John Doe showed up at one of the hospitals there with amnesia, who matches Ghost Rider's description. They're working on identifying him now.

dbl pst

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
There actually is a Facebook page up for him. And, Starguard, that's not an asshole question. In fact, it's something that had been discussed. However, there is some news. It looks like a John Doe showed up at one of the hospitals there with amnesia, who matches Ghost Rider's description. They're working on identifying him now.

What's the word?

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Turns out it isn't him, and no information on "Ron and Jenn". Seems like there's far more that they don't know than they do.