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The Doublemint Twins
Nothing wrong with that, IMO. Let 'em sing about what they want to sing about. I like how the reporter does everything he (or she, I didn't spot a name) can to make them look like little Darth Vaders and make their mother look like a stuttering fool. Can't say I expected any different.
And they're gonna be mighty fine. (I say "gonna be" because until they are legal, they possess no legally-recognizable fine-ness.) :)
"We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white," said Lynx. "We want our people to stay white … we don't want to just be, you know, a big muddle. We just want to preserve our race."

I like that shit, we want to keep being white... Man you know somedays I wake up and I'm black and I'm like, "WTF? Wasn't I white when I brushed my teeth? Shit, no more Hershey's before bed for me..."

Like many children across the country, Lamb and Lynx decided to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina — the white ones.

The girls' donations were handed out by a White Nationalist organization who also left a pamphlet promoting their group and beliefs — some of the intended recipients were more than a little displeased.

After a day of trying, the supplies ended up with few takers, dumped at a local shop that sells Confederate memorabilia.

Aww... no one wants your relief? Maybe an anonymous donation would have gone through, hmm...
I was just the other day thinking about sheep vagina and it's uncanny resemblance to human. How many farmers throughout the ages have had the same revelation except at a lonlier (or friskier) place and in person so to speak. You know, I've been through Bakersfield CA and there is nothing in Bakersfield CA except smog and flat and thorny cotton. I want to hear one of their songs. Can anyone find an mp3?
Honest, fellas, I was just trying to push the sheep through the fence. My pants fell down (my belt buckle broke under the pressure) and that's when y'all arrived. Nothing else happened.
Ishcabittle said:
I like that shit, we want to keep being white... Man you know somedays I wake up and I'm black and I'm like, "WTF? Wasn't I white when I brushed my teeth? Shit, no more Hershey's before bed for me..."

I think they mean they want to keep being white in the way that the gang-hand-signal-flashing, beanie-down-over-their-eyes-wearing, yo-talking little white G Homey wannabes and wannabettes aren't.

Aww... no one wants your relief? Maybe an anonymous donation would have gone through, hmm...

Yeah, it's funny how people have this idea that white nationalists are evil evil evil, even when they're trying to do something good. I guess most people are just too enlightened not to be bigots themselves.
Dan, I think the Dukester is a pretty good barometer of why people don't think it's charity, especially with the hate lit attached.

The mother should have the children taken away from her, she's slearly unfit.
I think your idea that people think White Nationalists are "evil evil" might be construed as a smokescreen to deflect the fact that when the average joe is confronted by White Nationalist rhetoric, their first response is disgust.
The Question said:
I think they mean they want to keep being white in the way that the gang-hand-signal-flashing, beanie-down-over-their-eyes-wearing, yo-talking little white G Homey wannabes and wannabettes aren't.

Now that you mention it, that's most likely what the kids were talking about, but it sounded funnier to me the other way.

Yeah, it's funny how people have this idea that white nationalists are evil evil evil, even when they're trying to do something good. I guess most people are just too enlightened not to be bigots themselves.

I guess that situation is a good example of how their ideology is unappreciated even when they are trying to do good. They may not be evil in the sense that they weren't willing to help, but to look at a bunch of starving people and not help a percentage based on their race is kinda asshole-ish.

I sent my money to the Red Cross, where did y'all send yours?
jack said:
The mother should have the children taken away from her, she's slearly unfit.

She isn't clearly unfit. She is potrayed that way. The entire interview was completely twisted. The girls gave intelligent answers to the questions posed by the reporter which were conveniently cut out.

Never would they portray them as being "normal."

ABC also claimed the riots in Toledo were started by the Nazis.

ABC said:
They are white nationalists and use their talents to preach a message of hate.

Oh my.
Chadarnook said:
She isn't clearly unfit. She is potrayed that way. The entire interview was completely twisted. The girls gave intelligent answers to the questions posed by the reporter which were conveniently cut out.

Never would they portray them as being "normal."

ABC also claimed the riots in Toledo were started by the Nazis.

Oh my.

ABC sucks, but I'd like to see some dialogue between the mother and the father, seriously. Like why isn't he in the picture? More to that than meets the eye, I'd be interested in checking that out.

I get where Dan is coming from, but sorry, wrong number. It's abusive behavior to use children that way.

For some people, it's just about the hate.
Ishcabittle said:
I guess that situation is a good example of how their ideology is unappreciated even when they are trying to do good. They may not be evil in the sense that they weren't willing to help, but to look at a bunch of starving people and not help a percentage based on their race is kinda asshole-ish.

Well, not to sound overly insensitive, but I didn't see Kanye West complaining about the plight of white Katrina survivors, either. You help your own first, is some peoples' motto, but it seems like condemnation of that very instinctive human trait gets condemned mighty one-sidedly.