Troll Kingdom

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Good night!

One day I will crack Ishca's spam code and find the secret of elf candy, then I shall rule the world.. mwhahahahahacoughcough

I don't know what Loktar's spam code will unlock and frankly I'm scared to find out.

Some sites are too stupid to be able to spam. You could take this technique on the road and do a seminar to help others.
Some sites have an incredibly large stick up their hypothetical asses. They do not understand the joys of typing gibberish.

here's the code:

1234 followed by 12345 followed by 2345 means:

Does having thought mean that I am a god? As I think thoughts of creation, am I truly creating? Or am I just creating possibility? Is that any less godly of a feat?

extrapolate the rest from there, you'll be golden.
I'm so fucking tired, bored and lonely and tired of fucking drama, i just want to fuck off y'know?! God! Mother Fucking God! Ishcabittle!