Gordon Brown to breast feed starving children


Can I have Ops?
During the recess, Gordon Brown will be using his very own man boobs to feed starving children in the KirkCaldy area. This selfless act was meant to be secret but unfortunately some of the quality press appeared to have taken the secret briefings and secret press releases as permission to print the story.

"I don't know how this can have got out" screamed the No.10 press secretary at the top of his voice. "I mean, Gordon only told Limp Bisket Opec about this and we all know how discreet he is.

Gordon Brown officially released a statement later with a full colour picture of him suckling a black baby. The statement made clear "I wanted to make this a simple way of giving something back. It is a shame that the spreading of my man milk has become a media circus."

It has since been revealed that he will also be working in a Donkey Sanctuary and rehoming hedgehogs. He was due to work in an old peoples home but apparantly he was perfectly happy to groom a Donkey, but wiping an old persons arse to get votes was a step too far.


I want to smell dark matter
Hislop will still find a way to put him down.


Lord Sir Peter Hogmany Mandelsen III will sell Brown on eBay and lead us to the land flowing with milk, honey, 1980's taches, loud cardies and semen!


I want to smell dark matter
I wish Blair would come back and say "DADDY'S HOME!"


Then bite the head off a turkey and stab Cameron in the penis with a cucumber.


I want to smell dark matter
Then crotch chop the night away to the DX theme.