Got laid off today.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Seeing that this is election year, don't expect much until the elections are over. :(

Sorry you lost your job dude...seriously :(


Worked all weekend, then they told me after this trial is over they're cutting back. Fuck! This economy sucks. Thanks, Bush.

At least I got some OT in while I could.

What a coincidence..... It's nearly poolboy season and I'm needing a few.



lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
If this is true, I'm sorry.


Let's be making sexy business
Can't you get a job with a busier law firm? Are you being let go because they're slowing down....or because they're 'going in a different direction?'

It doesn't seem like lawyers would be subject to the ebb and flow of an economy like retail sales would.

regardless.....good luck. remember that suicide is a sin in the eyes of the lord.


New Member
perhaps if you spent less time stalking Vap on the internet, and more time actually working, you might not have been 'laid off'
perhaps if you spent less time stalking Vap on the internet, and more time actually working, you might not have been 'laid off'

fuck you faggot, I work my ass off. Part of my job is to be on hand time when a pair of hands is needed even if there isn't work to do right that minute. The firm laid off the entire structured finance group 3 months ago, something like 40 associates. It was only a matter of time the support staff got hit, but still it sucks a dick

eat me.

Hero1000's Dad

Registered User
fuck you faggot, I work my ass off. Part of my job is to be on hand time when a pair of hands is needed even if there isn't work to do right that minute. The firm laid off the entire structured finance group 3 months ago, something like 40 associates. It was only a matter of time the support staff got hit, but still it sucks a dick

eat me.

your Dad's here to look after you now son. I can't say I've ever been 'laid off', but then I've never had a job.

Were you well paid? Can I have some money? I'll make it worth your while....

Mrs Nomanners

New Member
Worked all weekend, then they told me after this trial is over they're cutting back. Fuck! This economy sucks. Thanks, Bush.
Duh, you are simply too good for such idiots. That's why they don't want you. You'd make them realize every day how much they suck.
Good. Weekend started early: watching last night's Colbert Report and he's talking to an astronaut in space. It's awesome!