

Boobie inspector
Do you ever really get over grief, it is is something you just push away, and when you least expect it, it pops up again?

My dad would be a hundred this year, in about two weeks in fact, you would think after 38 years I'd stop missing him, I guess I never will.

I got two more years until I am the same age as my brother, six years after that to be the same age as my dad.

Booze has let me down tonight, no matter how much I drink I can't drink myself to sleep.

Probably over sharing, my son got some bad new about one of his friends, you want to shield your children as much as you can, but the one thing you can't protect them from is life and death.

I had to grow up before I was ready, I wanted to give him a different life, but it's not just life that finds a way.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
My parents have been gone for more than 25 years (in fact the anniversaries of their deaths are today and this Monday, different years). But I still dream about them as vividly as if they were still around. And I still get mildly to moderately emotional when I wake up sometimes, when I realize all that's gone since that time.

Someone said something useful to me back then: "Losing someone so close isn't something you get over; it's something you learn to live with." It becomes part of who you are. Which isn't always automatically a sad thing, as good memories coexist with sad ones. It becomes our responsibility to keep their memories alive (if those memories are worth keeping). It's how family stories are handed down.

Or something. Hang in there.


I want to smell dark matter
It doesn't go away but it changes.