Troll Kingdom

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Habeeb Habab

Do you know who I am?! I'M THE REAL OWNER OF THIS BOARD! Look what these trolls have done to it while I was away!
Habeeb VERY happy none you mudderfuk fag like Habeeb.
You all are shit on stick to Habeeb. Question guy and Mess guy? Biggest faggot on site... SO easy to piss off.
Habeeb laugh like mudderfuk at you mudderfuk retard fag guys!


Mudderfuk fag guys
Habeeb Habab said:
SO easy to piss off.
Ah, yet another n00b who thinks he's actually gotten under our skin.

Listen...kid, we've dealt with your kind since time immemorial. Look for posts by Bowel Movement and Lord Kookoo.

Infinitely more creative than your crap, and more fun to put down. Though that's not to say making you cry doesn't bring me mild pleasure.
