Hai guize!


RIP Karl 1991-2014
They did it to me when I got here too. Then they were all kind of cool. But then all of a sudden most of them turned into assholes that like to delete your posts if they don't like you. Now if they like you you can post all the retarded threads you want and they kiss your ass I think you have to have a pussy though.

Don't mind the bitter cunt. We're really quite friendly people.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard

Obnoxious Bitch

New Member
All I did was CRITICIZE their policy of censorship while claiming to be a troll site and I got labeled as a troll as well as neg repped several times. These people are insecure Mr. Crazyman!

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
hey, isn't that dude in your avatar this guy:
All I did was CRITICIZE their policy of censorship while claiming to be a troll site and I got labeled as a troll as well as neg repped several times. These people are insecure Mr. Crazyman!
High five!
They are insecure.
Your ego far exceeds the bounds your positive traits merit.
I found this place on the bottom of my shoe...God only knows what I trod in.
Welcome MrCrazyman.
I'm an atheist. Now what?
Reason is nothing without faith.