Hambil's Middle East Peace Plan Part 1


Physically relocate Jerusalem and Mecca, including the ground they are built on, to the United States and make them into a theme park.
Hmmm...how about just blowing all that shit to hell and building an exact replica of it (only better and without bullet holes) here, and then have them pay $50 a admission fees? More fun that way, and costs less. Just ship the dirt here.
Nuke the dome of the rock until it glows a healthy green and no one will be fighting to get near it for many a year.

That will calm things down for sure. :P
You mean the rock that is holy because it came from the heavens, but is really nothing more than a space rock? That one?
Hambil said:
Physically relocate Jerusalem and Mecca, including the ground they are built on, to the United States and make them into a theme park.

And what? Presto, zing, they all become legal immigrants over night?

Damn, Bush got to you didn't he?
Funny how the "Holy Land" is the most profane place on Earth. The fighting there is the ultimate proof that none of Earth's religions represent reality. If there was such a God, he would hurl lightning bolts at all the people fighting in His name. (or Hers)
The Holy Land is perhaps one of the most blood thirsty places in the world.

And, come to think of it Hambil, I wouldn't want millions of them murderers coming to America to worship via price of admission. They'll just blow up the joint.

God will be coming back, and he'll be PISSED. The first time, the world was clensed by water. The second, will be by fire.
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

~Robert Frost

Always loved this poem and I just reminded myself of it. ;)
Fire, Water, Ice... Don't be rediculous. Every good Christain knows the world will be destroyed by gay marriage.
Peace in the Middle East? Never happen. Even if the Arabs wipe out the Jews, or the Jews lay waste to the Arabs, some other group will just step in and fill the void.

For all the UN prattling about how the United States is a war-mongering, unjust country, we got NOTHIN' on the Jews and Arabs. At least the Arabs admit they're barbaric. The Jews like to hid behind the veneer of civility.

The U.S. should STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS FIGHT. We've already suffered enough damage by helping out the Jews.
They don't really need our help in any case.

They're quite capable of defending themselves.

The US has done more to keep Israel from going hog wild on the ragheads in the last 30 years than the UN could ever hope to accomplish.

I say turn them loose. ;)
^^I really, honestly and truly don't give a fuck what either group does. What I do care about is our continued support of Israel. It's the main reason why Muslims hate us.
The US should just stay out of Middle Eastern affairs. Getting tired of hearing "Death to America" when we send aid there of various sorts.