Hannibal & Davinci's Demons


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


I don't know.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
The ads for both shows look good! I was a bit iffy on Hannibal, but it really looks interesting so I think I will watch it. Da Vinci's demons looks like it will be fun, and it's on Starz, so there will be hot nakedness, IMO! I hope if fills the void left by Sparty :(


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I don't know if I can watch Sparty tomorrow night. I'll never seen Gannicus again.


I love the cast for "Hannibal", although my mom is turned off by the show since Mads is in it. She thinks he's tooooooo creepy. I wonder if Hugh's British accent will slip out every now and again.



I want to smell dark matter
The last thing Hannibal Lecter should be is creepy!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


Be patient till the last.
Hannibal and Elementary are on at the same time up here so I kept switching back and forth....Mads is cast PERFECTLY. LOL I'd love to have you both for dinner.

But I have grown to really enjoy Elementary. Quandary.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I didn't think I could watch anything last night because I'm having trouble with my satellite reception, but MIRACULOUSLY my tv worked... BUT I fucking forgot that Hannibal was on, so I missed the first 30 minutes :rwmad: I still thought it was fucking awesome, though. The acting is so good. The guy playing Dr Lecter is really good, so creepy but kind of sexy too. Since I did miss the first 30 minutes I'm not quite sure what the deal is with Will, but I really liked him too.


Can I have Ops?
Cassie was bound to identify with Hannibal. They should swap notes on the right brand of formaldehyde for preserving body parts.


beer, I want beer
I liked Hannibal a lot also. Very promising beginning, even if it was a little tough to delete the image of Hopkins as Lecter. I thought they did a very good job casting in not trying to make a weak lookalike or similar play, and the dude playing Will is also very good. With Fishburne rounding it out, should be a very good series for a while. Jury's still out on the two girls, though. The asian girl seems a little too over the top, and the other one didn't resonate in her "substitute agent Starling" role. We'll see.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I think I'd swap sausage recipes with him, too!

Donovan, there wasn't much in the last 30 minutes with the women you're talking about, so I didn't get to form an opinion on them. I guess I should see if NBC has it online so I can catch up on that.


I want to smell dark matter
I posted a seperate Hannibal thread a month ago. :(


Touching the monolith
Staff member
You have two Hannibal threads!


beer, I want beer
@ Cassie one is an Asian FBI chick who plays a saucy young character, kind of like the cocky agent role. The other is a brunette who is a professor friend of Will's who was all threatening-like to Lawrence Fishburne, saying the Will is a delicate flower and should not be too close to brutal murder. She's gonna probably take on the role of girlfriend/handler. Both had better openings in the first 30 minutes and my complaint is very minor. Pilot growing pains most likely.

Overall I was very pleased with the show. A network Hannibal could go very badly but it was very, very solid. I liked the bit with the backward effect as his brain strips away stuff, but that could get a little old too like the ultra-detailed crime scene stuff used to do in CSI.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
The case of the week thing could get old too, if they do it that way. If they focus too much on the cases they're solving, which it didn't look like in the pilot, then it could get boring. If the focus is more on Will and Dr Lecter, and case is just something for them to do, then I think that will work out great.


I want to smell dark matter
Is there any chance this won't get cancelled?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
There is a chance, imo! It has a lot of buzz on the internet, and NBC is actually promoting it.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I don't think I will get tired of the case of the week thing if they're all this weird... well that's not true, it could get too weird.

I liked this second episode, for the most part, but does anyone else have trouble understanding what the characters are saying sometimes? Not just Hannibal with his accent, but I had trouble hearing what other people were saying sometimes. Whole sentences would be uttered and I'd realize I didn't know wtf they just said.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
And here I thought it was just me. The volume seems to be dulled, and it's been that way on a few of my shows. I could barely hear Sparty last night (probably because I was wailing over it though).


And I agree, Cassie. I was thinking the same thing. Is this going to be like a Criminal Minds type show, where there's a new serial killer every week? Either way, the more bizarre, the better.

And Davinci's Demons was pretty good too. I was still reeling from GANNICUS so I might not have been in it 100%, but it caught my interest.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Things I learnt from this episode of DaVinci's Demons:

  • Everyone in renaissance Florence was English
  • Leonard DaVinci was ahead of his time and invented many thing that would not become mainstream until much later, including hair gel and metrosexuality.
  • Despite being a world class fighter, lover, inventor and artist, Leonard DaVinci still could not find a shirt what would do up properly.
  • Alexander Siddig is still awesome.
  • Leonardo DaVinci was kind of a bellend.

Music was good though.