Happy Trachtenday 2010!

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

Well holy smokes, it’s that day again. Trachtenday. A great day. Michelle Trachtenberg’s birthday. AND this is a really special Trachtenday as today she is 25 years old. That’s a quarter of a century that she’s been alive and that makes it a pretty fucking good quarter of a century. SHE’S AS OLD AS BACK TO THE FUTURE.

So what’s happened this year? Well, she starred in the SADLY CANCELLED series Mercy where she somehow got better every episode which is amazing because she was perfect in the first episode BUT YET. She went out with a mean fireman and a SPORTS MAN who hit his head and even kissed the Dawson from Dawson’s creek. I MISS YOU, NURSE CHLOE PAYNE. She also gave herself the Heimlich manoeuvre.
Anyway. She also had like two scenes in Kevin Smith’s Cop Out which is TOO FEW SCENES for a Michelle Trachtenberg. She’s also been a voice on a strange Marvel kids cartoon and of course Gossip Girl where SHE WAS BLONDE (and pregnant)?????? SO YEAH SHE HAS BEEN FUCKING ACTING YOU ALL SHE’S LOVELY.

Outside of that the big hoo-hah this year was her wonderful shoot for Complex magazine where she actually looked so attractive it redefines the word “attractive” into some sort of hyper-pan-dimensional version of itself. It even made me GO OUT AND BUY A COPY of it myself because it was that good and she’s lovely in the magazine.

She is also of course no.1 in Wacky’s top 100 (AND WILL BE AGAIN SOON? WHO KNOWS…) so even if you don’t care what I have to say about her you should care about what Wacky has to say.

LOOK HERE’S SOME PICTURES FROM THE LAST YEAR (it should be noted that since the last thread I have acquired over 1,200 pictures of Michelle Trachtenberg and whittling them down has been hard THIS TOOK EFFORT):


The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
This is the Complex shoot. It’s fantastic. I mean, in every way, it’s maddeningly hot. You’re literally wrong if you think otherwise. I paid money to own a hard copy of this.


The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

There was a second Complex shoot that wasn’t in the magazine. It’s not as in-your-face sexy as the other one but oddly enough I sort of prefer it (because I’m insane).

Dear internet,

I would like HQ copies of both of Michelle’s complex shoots, plus outtakes.

Your brother in Christ,


The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

Michelle is also now the face for Crest 3D White Strips. Which this has so far involved is for her to A) have really nice teeth and B) hold a giant pair of scissors.

Just by the virtue of putting on a blonde wig Michelle instantly becomes the world’s most attractive blonde woman.


The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

Michelle was, randomly, spotted at a nail salon with fellow female celebrity, Emmy Rossum. What’s very very important to note about this is that Michelle is wearing glasses. She doesn’t even needs to wear glasses, but there she is, wearing them. And by doing so it makes these pictures possible the most attractive thing this reality will ever create. Ever. In fact you might as well rip out your eyes now because they’re never going to see anything as amazingly perfect as Michelle Trachtenberg wearing glasses and eating frozen yogurt.

The image of Michelle in glasses giving a thumbs up is the last thing I want to see before I die.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

Well, that’s about it from me this Trachtenday. I hope you all have a good Trachtenday and at the rate Michelle is getting hotter every year, by the end of the next 25 years she will literally be so attractive she will warp reality itself.


By the way, did I mention I really like Michelle Trachtenberg?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
This is the Complex shoot. It’s fantastic. I mean, in every way, it’s maddeningly hot. You’re literally wrong if you think otherwise. I paid money to own a hard copy of this.
You mean, you bought a magazine?

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
25??!!! It seems like only yesterday, she was underage


I want to smell dark matter
Good Trachtenday this year.


I want to smell dark matter
She is number one on the Wacky Hot One Hundred for a reason and it's actually proper science which can't be argued with. Tomtrek has done an amazing job representing the Trachtenyear in images. Here's one he didn't include which I'm posting because I want to.

Also I really really liked the Giant Scissors pics.
