Troll Kingdom

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Have I told all of you how much you mean to me?


No, I havent. But today I will. No matter how much we all try to pretend these are just words on a computer screen, once in a while something comes along and hits us over the head and reminds us there is a real flesh and blood person behind every one of these usernames (ok, some of us have more than one, but you all know what I mean ;) ). Like it or not, our words in these, and other, forums do touch the people around us. We make each other laugh, get angry, cry... unlikely friendships and relationships are formed.

I've made some good friends over the years and I hope to make even more. For each and every one of you who has posted here..... THANK YOU! I appreciate you and the time you take to come here and flame or troll or debate or spam or just hang out. Thank you.... from the very moment I started posting at TK , I know there was something special about the members. No matter what I need, I can find it here... answers to problems, interesting debate, comedy, intrigue.... it's all here.

This morning, a member of our extended family was found dead. Nibbles joined TK in 2003 and while she wasn't a frequent poster here, many of us knew her from other boards. Nothing but good thoughts and happy memories go to her friends at Kellyz. I know all of you made a difference in her life. I only wish I had told her more often how much I enjoyed seeing her around the boards.

Have I told all of you how much you mean to me?

I remember Nibbles, sad that she's passed, may she rest in peace and may God have mercy on her soul.

You mean the world to us too mm, if it weren't for you keeping this board going I may not have made some of the great friends I've made here.
I vaguely remember the name. I'm truly sorry to hear that.

Though my beginnings at TK were somewhat dubious, I feel like I've found a home here. I've gotten to know the people behind the label of "troll", and, to my surprise, they aren't the evildoers I originally surmised. They are real, funny, thoughtful, creative, intelligent, and sometimes exasperating. I still wouldn't trust some of you as far as I can throw you, but I'm beginning to enjoy that fact, also.

Thanks, mm, for letting TK be what the members make of it.

BTW, L_G...I hope everything is well on the homefront. Drop me an update if you so choose... :)
I do remember Nibbles. I'm awfully sorry to hear that she is gone. I'll stop by there and say a few words, MM.

*Hugs MM* You know I wuv you. :D
It absolutely does, but nobody is saying anything more at TrekBBS, and I let my account lapse at KK. I almost don't want to know, though. She's gone and there's pretty much nothing left to do but deal, I guess. :(
It's all any of us knows at this point. :(

It's so sad. We tend to think of our friends on the Internet as 'less than' our friends in real life. We take careful precautions to make it that way, but when something like this happens, it only illustrates how real a poster really is.

My condolences to her friends and family. She will be missed.
Oh no. I'm having flashes of memory of when 3Eyes passed. I remember the day vividly. That came as a serious shock to me. People do die and in communites that cross many boards and many thoudands of members it is to be expected.

Stay safe everyone.

And you know we love you too MM. All my friends on-line know how much I enjoy thier precence, on the other side of the world behind a moniter not withstanding. Had any of us met in RL I would like to think we would have been fast friends through sheer force of personality.

~ R.I.P Nibbles
LOL & rest in peace Nibbles.:(

I just hope when i'm dead you guys remember me fondly & forget all the inbetween shit when i said horrible things. Also, i DEMAND a memorial thread dedicated to my memory!
missmanners said:
No, I havent. But today I will. No matter how much we all try to pretend these are just words on a computer screen, once in a while something comes along and hits us over the head and reminds us there is a real flesh and blood person behind every one of these usernames (ok, some of us have more than one, but you all know what I mean ;) ). Like it or not, our words in these, and other, forums do touch the people around us. We make each other laugh, get angry, cry... unlikely friendships and relationships are formed.

I've made some good friends over the years and I hope to make even more. For each and every one of you who has posted here..... THANK YOU! I appreciate you and the time you take to come here and flame or troll or debate or spam or just hang out. Thank you.... from the very moment I started posting at TK , I know there was something special about the members. No matter what I need, I can find it here... answers to problems, interesting debate, comedy, intrigue.... it's all here.

This morning, a member of our extended family was found dead. Nibbles joined TK in 2003 and while she wasn't a frequent poster here, many of us knew her from other boards. Nothing but good thoughts and happy memories go to her friends at Kellyz. I know all of you made a difference in her life. I only wish I had told her more often how much I enjoyed seeing her around the boards.

Have I told all of you how much you mean to me?


Too long.....didn't read.
Of course we know how much you care about us, mm. Even the ones who don't yet know that they know. :)

Travel on in light, Nibbles.
I never heard of Nibbles, but it's really sad when someone dies. R.I.P

We all love you MM, you know it!
Kind of sad to hear that another of the family has passed. Wierd of me saying that, but here at TK that's kind of what we are; one giant, stange, and sometimes Megaolomaniacal family.

Farewell Nibbles, you go to a far better place then this.
Sparkle Muffin said:
I never heard of Nibbles, but it's really sad when someone dies. R.I.P

We all love you MM, you know it!

Whover Nibbles was, RIP
Ah well, sorry for being disrespectful and rude, that wasn't my intent, but it was the result.

Rest in peace, Nibbles.