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Hay look!

Donovan said:
Gurk, for a straight guy you sure care an awful lot about the doings of gay people. Why is that?

I'm a straight guy, too, and I find myself for the most part unconcerned about how gay people spend their lives. Does that make me a liberal, or just Not an obsessive nosy cunt?

Just curious, but not in a homosexual way. Because the Bible says that's wrong ;)

I don't give a shit what gay people do, Donovan, but I do have concern with the activities of left wing homosexual extremists. There's a distinction there, don't you agree?

For example, if two gay guys or gals want to live together, do their thing and not bother anyone, then I say more power to them - but when vile and verminous homosexual leftists try to impose same-sex "marriage" through judicial fiat or force the inclusion of "gay friendly" content into public school curricula - THEN it becomes a matter of ideology and amounts to fucking with my culture and society on a fundamental level.


I'm a bonafide Culture Warrior when I'm not wasting time as a troll.
Well, now let's examine this. If

A) You don't "give a shit" what gay persons do with their private lives, and

B) You welcome giving them the "permission" to live together and "do their thing" (mighty white of you to do so, I might add), and

C) You wish them "More power" to do so, then

Why would you have a problem with gays getting married? How exactly does that affect your own personal life in a negative fashion? What rights and priveliges do you stand to lose if Gays are permitted to marry and carry on their private lives "without bothering anyone"? If they're already living together, that won't change with a certificate of marriage. And I don't know of many couples, gay or straight, who tell their neighbors what their legal status for getting medical insurance is. I myself never once showed my straight marriage certificate to anybody, or even many wedding photos for that matter aside from one or two.

So I ask again: exactly how does legalized gay marriage negatively affect your life in any fashion?

Further, please explain your choice of the words "vile" and verminous" to describe people trying to legalize gay marriage. If you don't care what gays do, and you are all for them living their lives with "more power" why then would you characterize their legal right to lobby for political change as "vile" and "verminous"? Isn't that kind of a harsh description for something you don't care about?

Finally: how exactly is a gay-friendly agenda being pushed in my son's school? I am really concerned about this. If my son is being taught how to suck a dick I am going to be very dismayed. If he is being taught tolerance, understanding, and acceptance of his fellow human beings, then I guess I'm okay with that as long as he doesn't have to shower with any faggits. Because they'd turn him, I think.
donovane and egz manoyaze must do man/man spicy sex together in racist frankenstein opinion. Racist frankenstein hate homosexuals more than question.
Racist franknst said:
donovane and egz manoyaze must do man/man spicy sex together in racist frankenstein opinion. Racist frankenstein hate homosexuals more than question.

How does this attitude sit with your two dads?
Donovan said:
Well, now let's examine this. If ...



Did you utterly fail to grasp the distinction I made between people who might happen to be gay and left wing homosexual activists? You proceeded with this post as if that distinction was not made.

As for why I am opposed to the leftist putsch to redefine marriage, for that you would need a comprehensive understanding of Marxist dialectic and a firm grasp of the history of neo-marxism, starting with the work of the 'Frankfurt School' of neo-marxist philosophy in the 1930's and on through the infiltration of western academia by these collectivist bugs, the formation of the "new left" in America in the 1950's and 60's, and the continued influence of these enemies of western culture and civilization up to the present time.

In a nutshell: Marx identified three key "pillars of bourgeois society" that had to be "swept away" in order for the socialist utopia to succeed. These pillars are 1) the Church, which has already been effectively destroyed as a cultural force, 2) the Family, which the vile bugs of the left are constantly trying to redefine ("It Takes a Village"), and, yes 3) Marriage.

This marxist imperative to destroy these fundamental cultural institutions of western civilization explain EVERYTHING the left does on the cultural front. And it is no coincidence that homosexual activism falls to the extreme left of the political spectrum.

What better way to destroy Marriage as the primary brick of society than to "divorce" it from its age-old cultural connotations and associations with the formation of new families and the raising of children by redefining it to include the barren and sterile relationships of homosexuals?

Same-sex "marriage" is an oxymoron. A mockery and a joke that is designed to denude the institution of its cultural meaning and render it down to nothing more than a cherap government benefits program.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:

Did you utterly fail to grasp the distinction I made between people who might happen to be gay and left wing homosexual activists? You proceeded with this post as if that distinction was not made.

As for why I am opposed to the leftist putsch to redefine marriage, for that you would need a comprehensive understanding of Marxist dialectic and a firm grasp of the history of neo-marxism, starting with the work of the 'Frankfurt School' of neo-marxist philosophy in the 1930's and on through the infiltration of western academia by these collectivist bugs, the formation of the "new left" in America in the 1950's and 60's, and the continued influence of these enemies of western culture and civilization up to the present time.

In a nutshell: Marx identified three key "pillars of bourgeois society" that had to be "swept away" in order for the socialist utopia to succeed. These pillars are 1) the Church, which has already been effectively destroyed as a cultural force, 2) the Family, which the vile bugs of the left are constantly trying to redefine ("It Takes a Village"), and, yes 3) Marriage.

This marxist imperative to destroy these fundamental cultural institutions of western civilization explain EVERYTHING the left does on the cultural front. And it is no coincidence that homosexual activism falls to the extreme left of the political spectrum.

What better way to destroy Marriage as the primary brick of society than to "divorce" it from its age-old cultural connotations and associations with the formation of new families and the raising of children by redefining it to include the barren and sterile relationships of homosexuals?

Same-sex "marriage" is an oxymoron. A mockery and a joke that is designed to denude the institution of its cultural meaning and render it down to nothing more than a cherap government benefits program.

Nice, safe diatribe on the dangers of cultural decay through change and redefinition. Entirely wrong, of course, and frought with erroneous assumption, as well as not answering my questions in the slightest way. You are trying to smokescreen me with long-winded bullshit disguised as intellectual banter; it won't work, because I understand all the big words.

I asked YOU, not Marx, to tell me how allowing homosexuals to marry would affect YOU negatively in ANY fashion.

A pat response on cultural decay is not an answer, especially since ancient Greek and Roman cultures (on which our own culture is based) practiced and encouraged homosexuality among men and women as both acceptable and indeed desirable avocations. Are you saying we should go all the way back to that point and stay there?

If change brought decay and destruction, then the puritan ideals forced on our culture by the zealots who came here first would have caused that destruction by changing the rules under which differing social castes could marry. If not then, maybe destruction of our moral values would have occured when the church began to allow divorce as an alternative to murdering one's spouse once you tired of him or her. Or for that matter, when the concept of marriage changed yet again to allow those of differing religious faiths to marry, our world should have decayed right then and there. Or perhaps it was when we allowed former slaves to legally marry, a right which had been denied them for hundreds of years. Or perhaps Marx' decay of bourguois culture happened wehn, God Forbid, we allowed the first interracial marriage.

Don't quote bullshit blanket statements at me to prove your position until you actually recognize what your position is. If you hate fags and don't like the idea that they may be smoking weiners in a home near you, at least have the courage of your convictions and don't pretend it's all about the preservation of precious culture.

Because it isn't and you know it. It's about bigotry and prejudice, and a whole lot of people who are not capable of minding their own business because they think they have some divine right to dictate the terms of existence.

And for the record, one is not considered an intellectual by finding and quoting observations by people who said it better. Make up your own mind, and prove it with your own words. That's what separates guys like Marx from guys like you...
Donovan said:
Nice, safe diatribe on the dangers of cultural decay through change and redefinition. Entirely wrong, of course, and frought with erroneous assumption, as well as not answering my questions in the slightest way. You are trying to smokescreen me with long-winded bullshit disguised as intellectual banter; it won't work, because I understand all the big words.

Apparently you didn't.

I asked YOU, not Marx, to tell me how allowing homosexuals to marry would affect YOU negatively in ANY fashion.

And this is the pat question that homo activist types always ask - how will it effect ME - but the question they never answer is: How will it effect the institution as a whole over the course of time. Something you conveniently ignore. And tossing out the very real imperatives that drive the ideological left - and the stated reason for the existence of those imperatives makes your own agenda quite clear.

A pat response on cultural decay is not an answer, especially since ancient Greek and Roman cultures (on which our own culture is based) practiced and encouraged homosexuality among men and women as both acceptable and indeed desirable avocations. Are you saying we should go all the way back to that point and stay there?

The prevalence and acceptance of homosexuality in ancient Roman and Greek culture is debateable. Nor did same-sex "marriage" exist in either of those cultures - unless you take Nero's "marriage" to the slave boy Sporus or Caligula's "marriage" to his race horse Incitatus to be evidence that pervert "marriage" was common in ancient Rome.

If change brought decay and destruction, then the puritan ideals forced on our culture by the zealots who came here first would have caused that destruction by changing the rules under which differing social castes could marry. If not then, maybe destruction of our moral values would have occured when the church began to allow divorce as an alternative to murdering one's spouse once you tired of him or her. Or for that matter, when the concept of marriage changed yet again to allow those of differing religious faiths to marry, our world should have decayed right then and there. Or perhaps it was when we allowed former slaves to legally marry, a right which had been denied them for hundreds of years. Or perhaps Marx' decay of bourguois culture happened wehn, God Forbid, we allowed the first interracial marriage.

Who's putting up smokescreens of verbosity? There is no valid comparison between interracial or interfaith marriage and the concept of same-sex "marriage". The former were only sporadically banned in various places and eras and the latter never existed anywhere ever in the entire history of civilization until quite recently.

Don't quote bullshit blanket statements at me to prove your position until you actually recognize what your position is. If you hate fags and don't like the idea that they may be smoking weiners in a home near you, at least have the courage of your convictions and don't pretend it's all about the preservation of precious culture.

It is about the preservation of culture. If you cannot see that redefining such a fundamental cultural institution would amount to a massive cultural paradigm shift then you are either ignorant or willfully denying what is patently obvious.

Which is it?

Because it isn't and you know it. It's about bigotry and prejudice, and a whole lot of people who are not capable of minding their own business because they think they have some divine right to dictate the terms of existence.

Save your contrived indignation for someone who would fall for it. Homo activist have made the issue everyone's business by trying to force their social agenda upon society through the courts. They seek to use judicial fiat because EVERYWHERE the issue goes on a ballot the perverts lose by an average margin of 70+% against.

And for the record, one is not considered an intellectual by finding and quoting observations by people who said it better. Make up your own mind, and prove it with your own words. That's what separates guys like Marx from guys like you...

For the record, the only quotes I used were "pillars of bourgeois society" and "swept away", and I put them in quotes. All the rest WERE my words, fuckstick.

And what separates guys like me from guys like Marx is: I'm not evil and I don't believe in fairy tales.
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
Apparently you didn't.
I did. Did you? Because I do not think it means what you think it means...

And this is the pat question that homo activist types always ask - how will it effect ME - but the question they never answer is: How will it effect the institution as a whole over the course of time. Something you conveniently ignore. And tossing out the very real imperatives that drive the ideological left - and the stated reason for the existence of those imperatives makes your own agenda quite clear.
And yet you haven't answered either question. You yourself said you didn't care how homosexuals lived, but that you didn't want them fucking with your culture. How does legal homosexual union fuck with your culture? Simple question, Gurk, answer it. My answer is this: Homosexual legalized marriage will NOT affect the institution in any discernable sense. Straight people will not suddenly STOP getting married because gays are allowed to do it, and people who are straight will not suddenly become gay because it's okay to marry another gay person. The only people who will be adversely affected will be assholes like yourself who are so obsessed with telling other people what's right and wrong they'll have apoplectic fits and maybe die.

Which is in itself another reason to approve gay marriage.

The prevalence and acceptance of homosexuality in ancient Roman and Greek culture is debateable. Nor did same-sex "marriage" exist in either of those cultures - unless you take Nero's "marriage" to the slave boy Sporus or Caligula's "marriage" to his race horse Incitatus to be evidence that pervert "marriage" was common in ancient Rome.

No it's not, it was a matter of historical record. Older men were frequently called upon to establish and maintain homosexual relationships with younger men as rites of passage into adulthood, relationships which continued often even after the men married wives in the straight sense and began to raise families.

Who's putting up smokescreens of verbosity? There is no valid comparison between interracial or interfaith marriage and the concept of same-sex "marriage". The former were only sporadically banned in various places and eras and the latter never existed anywhere ever in the entire history of civilization until quite recently.

Incorrect. Barring "social caste marriages" such as between slaves and freemen, etc has existed as long as the idea of marriage itself, and is still punishable by death in some cultures. Slaves have ALWAYS been barred from marriage in order to prevent emotional ties that encouraged feelings of empowerment and liberty, etc. to others that were considered "property". That practice also has gone on for thousands of years. They occured still, but were punishable offenses if discovered and were illegal in the eyes of the law. Intra-faith marriages were also considered immoral in the eyes of the church, and even to this day are unrecognized by some faiths as true marriages. Meanwhile, homosexuality and lifelong homosexual relationships have existed as long as any of the others even if they weren't widely publicized. Hell, Jesus hung out with twelve guys and according to the church never married. How do you reconcile THAT, fuckstick?

It is about the preservation of culture. If you cannot see that redefining such a fundamental cultural institution would amount to a massive cultural paradigm shift then you are either ignorant or willfully denying what is patently obvious.

I ask again: what part of YOUR culture is in danger of being destroyed by allowing gays to marry? The part where it's okay to spit on gays and scream at them how they're going to hell? The part where it's okay for your school aged kids to torment them until they drop out or commit suicide?

Save your contrived indignation for someone who would fall for it. Homo activist have made the issue everyone's business by trying to force their social agenda upon society through the courts. They seek to use judicial fiat because EVERYWHERE the issue goes on a ballot the perverts lose by an average margin of 70+% against.

Actually, you're right. By legally fighting what they see as an unfair practice, gays are making it everybody's business. And yes, unfortunately that means blowhards like you are allowed to weigh in with your bullshit take on things. But that's why this country is what it is, and why gay marriage will eventually pass into law. Because despite what you wish, ignorant people are generally finally overwhelmed by saner heads. And the fact is, allowing gays to marry harms no one, not even people in your insular little world. Hell, gays have been marrying for years: just not to other gays.

For the record, the only quotes I used were "pillars of bourgeois society" and "swept away", and I put them in quotes. All the rest WERE my words, fuckstick.

You attempted to use Karl Marx' ideas of socialism and culture-building as a backhanded way to support your irrational fear of allowing gays to mainstream into society on a more consistent basis. Those were Marx' ideas; I asked for YOUR thoughts, of which you apparently have none. When you do present your own ideas, they are cliche-riddled platitudes which sound like they came straight from right-wing radio and Bill O Reilly's Talking Points segment. I'm not impressed.

And what separates guys like me from guys like Marx is: I'm not evil and I don't believe in fairy tales.

Irrelevant. I'm not questioning your moral center, I want to know how you think a gay agenda is being forced on my child, and how allowing gays legal rights as married couples will destroy your civilization? Surely you have some sort of concrete hypotheses, proof or other evidence to support such a hardline stance? You can't be simply talking from your own ass, can you?

Can you?
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Draco Malfoy after losing his owl to an all stage production of "O'RLY, YA'RLY" comes back to Hogwarts for his final year with a new pet. Magico the Monkeyo.
Hey, Gurk, now that you're my bitch, wanna get married?

I didn't mean it in a bad way, actually. You're one of the better things that's happened to this board.

There are parts of this place that simply astound me. It's wonderful. A lot of people come by and are really jealous of what it is that takes place here, try to make fun of people for having real thoughts and daring to express them "in their own skin". It's that "I've been doing this longer better faster quicker than you" mentality from the n00bs that's painful for me.

You know how I felt about idiot n00bs in the Gutters, it's getting that way here.

Say for example, Phelps isn't a n00b? typical tired bullshit. Watching racist fucktard fall out of character at the drop of a hat. Like Thug Angel and most of the trolllwars n00bs. Like ALL of the Ranters. Pussies. Useless.

It was a decent troll that caused me to check this place out. Home ever since.
I know you didn't mean any ill by it. Thanks for the compliment, btw. Comicon once was a pretty decent place to read and interact with comics pros, then all the douchebags chased them off. Now the joint is pretty dead (seen the Gutters lately?). I like this joint because there are mostly intelligent people who get a little testy with each other but mostly are tolerant after the fact. They're just lucky I saw the holocaust thread two years too late:twisted: ...
Donovan said:
And yet you haven't answered either question. You yourself said you didn't care how homosexuals lived, but that you didn't want them fucking with your culture. How does legal homosexual union fuck with your culture? Simple question, Gurk, answer it.

I have answered the questions - both of them. You either lack the cognitive ability to comprehend the answers, or you're just stupid. Take your pick. Anyone who thinks redefining Marriage to include the deviant-sex-based relationships of perverts will not affect our culture on a most basic level is deluded.

My answer is this: Homosexual legalized marriage will NOT affect the institution in any discernable sense. Straight people will not suddenly STOP getting married because gays are allowed to do it, and people who are straight will not suddenly become gay because it's okay to marry another gay person. The only people who will be adversely affected will be assholes like yourself who are so obsessed with telling other people what's right and wrong they'll have apoplectic fits and maybe die.

This is called an "assertion". You don't know what effect such a paradigm shift will have on the culture any more than I do. You only "think" it will have no effect, while I "think" it will.

No it's not, it was a matter of historical record. Older men were frequently called upon to establish and maintain homosexual relationships with younger men as rites of passage into adulthood, relationships which continued often even after the men married wives in the straight sense and began to raise families.

You've been reading Queer fantasy, not history. Certainly pederasty did exist in classical cultures - but young boys getting cvornholed by older men was hardly a universal feature of either civilization.

Incorrect. Barring "social caste marriages" such as between slaves and freemen, etc has existed as long as the idea of marriage itself, and is still punishable by death in some cultures. Slaves have ALWAYS been barred from marriage in order to prevent emotional ties that encouraged feelings of empowerment and liberty, etc. to others that were considered "property". That practice also has gone on for thousands of years. They occured still, but were punishable offenses if discovered and were illegal in the eyes of the law. Intra-faith marriages were also considered immoral in the eyes of the church, and even to this day are unrecognized by some faiths as true marriages. Meanwhile, homosexuality and lifelong homosexual relationships have existed as long as any of the others even if they weren't widely publicized. Hell, Jesus hung out with twelve guys and according to the church never married. How do you reconcile THAT, fuckstick?

This is leftist claptrap. Same-sex marriage never existed as a cultural institution anywhere, anytime, ever in any culture, civilization or era until some vile leftist homo bug decided it would be a good way to assault one of those fundamental pillars your hero Marx talked about. You even threw in the standard christophobic hatred of christianity by implying that Jesus sucked dick.

I ask again: what part of YOUR culture is in danger of being destroyed by allowing gays to marry?

By elevating the degenerate lust affairs of homosexual perverts to the same level as good and wholesome marriages, you are, in effect, endorsing deviancy.

The part where it's okay to spit on gays and scream at them how they're going to hell? The part where it's okay for your school aged kids to torment them until they drop out or commit suicide?

There is not one single iota of definitive scientific proof that being a homosexual is anything other than learned behavior. To imply that there are "gay kids" who drop out and off themselves because the mean 'homophobes' pick on them is to assert that being a dirty gay pig is an inherent behavioral trait. It is not and you cannot prove that it is. That homosexuals commit suicide at far greater rates than normal people is simply proof that homosexuality is a debilitating mental illness.

You attempted to use Karl Marx' ideas of socialism and culture-building as a backhanded way to support your irrational fear of allowing gays to mainstream into society on a more consistent basis. Those were Marx' ideas; I asked for YOUR thoughts, of which you apparently have none.

Everyone's thoughts are the synthesis of what they believe. You are simply trying to separate faggot activism from it's clear and obvious rooting in marxist dialectic - and it's not even a clever attempt.

That fact is that homosexuals are perverts, do not belong on an equal footing in mainstream society and will always be marginalized circus freaks whose entire lives and beings revolve around the deviant sexual behaviors that define them as homosexuals. Homosexualks belong in the closets, back alleys and gitters where perversion belongs.

The difference between me and you on this issue is that you think it's OK to have your grandmothers wedding dress smeared with the fecal filth of homosexuality, and I don't. You think it's OK for homosexual teachers to show your child how to properly fist in the fifth grade, and I don't. You are a libertine, amoral liberal/socialist, and I'm not.
jack said:
Say for example, Phelps isn't a n00b? typical tired bullshit. Watching racist fucktard fall out of character at the drop of a hat. Like Thug Angel and most of the trolllwars n00bs. Like ALL of the Ranters. Pussies. Useless.

Hi Jack!

I thought you ran off to Boston to be a glory hole inspector or something.

Didn't pan out, huh?
Donovan said:
I did. Did you? Because I do not think it means what you think it means...

And yet you haven't answered either question. You yourself said you didn't care how homosexuals lived, but that you didn't want them fucking with your culture. How does legal homosexual union fuck with your culture? Simple question, Gurk, answer it. My answer is this: Homosexual legalized marriage will NOT affect the institution in any discernable sense. Straight people will not suddenly STOP getting married because gays are allowed to do it, and people who are straight will not suddenly become gay because it's okay to marry another gay person. The only people who will be adversely affected will be assholes like yourself who are so obsessed with telling other people what's right and wrong they'll have apoplectic fits and maybe die.

Which is in itself another reason to approve gay marriage.

No it's not, it was a matter of historical record. Older men were frequently called upon to establish and maintain homosexual relationships with younger men as rites of passage into adulthood, relationships which continued often even after the men married wives in the straight sense and began to raise families.

Incorrect. Barring "social caste marriages" such as between slaves and freemen, etc has existed as long as the idea of marriage itself, and is still punishable by death in some cultures. Slaves have ALWAYS been barred from marriage in order to prevent emotional ties that encouraged feelings of empowerment and liberty, etc. to others that were considered "property". That practice also has gone on for thousands of years. They occured still, but were punishable offenses if discovered and were illegal in the eyes of the law. Intra-faith marriages were also considered immoral in the eyes of the church, and even to this day are unrecognized by some faiths as true marriages. Meanwhile, homosexuality and lifelong homosexual relationships have existed as long as any of the others even if they weren't widely publicized. Hell, Jesus hung out with twelve guys and according to the church never married. How do you reconcile THAT, fuckstick?

I ask again: what part of YOUR culture is in danger of being destroyed by allowing gays to marry? The part where it's okay to spit on gays and scream at them how they're going to hell? The part where it's okay for your school aged kids to torment them until they drop out or commit suicide?

Actually, you're right. By legally fighting what they see as an unfair practice, gays are making it everybody's business. And yes, unfortunately that means blowhards like you are allowed to weigh in with your bullshit take on things. But that's why this country is what it is, and why gay marriage will eventually pass into law. Because despite what you wish, ignorant people are generally finally overwhelmed by saner heads. And the fact is, allowing gays to marry harms no one, not even people in your insular little world. Hell, gays have been marrying for years: just not to other gays.

You attempted to use Karl Marx' ideas of socialism and culture-building as a backhanded way to support your irrational fear of allowing gays to mainstream into society on a more consistent basis. Those were Marx' ideas; I asked for YOUR thoughts, of which you apparently have none. When you do present your own ideas, they are cliche-riddled platitudes which sound like they came straight from right-wing radio and Bill O Reilly's Talking Points segment. I'm not impressed.

Irrelevant. I'm not questioning your moral center, I want to know how you think a gay agenda is being forced on my child, and how allowing gays legal rights as married couples will destroy your civilization? Surely you have some sort of concrete hypotheses, proof or other evidence to support such a hardline stance? You can't be simply talking from your own ass, can you?

Can you?

Telling him to 'fuck off' is just as effective, BTW.