Ok, Tesco next. From one extreme to the other.
Can I be arsed to watch this instagram wank fest all the way through? Oh, look, we had bad hair in the 70's, that's a new thought. We toss a coin - why? In fact, we do it twice in the advert and then something with football happens. Who the fuck does that? Oh look, he is wearing glasses and his moustache has gone, that must mean time is passing and we are started to be crushed by the ongoing mundane ennui of life? Oh, no, it just means this family (which doesn't fuckin exist anywhere) is getting older. Look a teenager! - he looks awkward, that's funny. NO ITS NOT and in fact try and tell one joke well rather than 17 pathetic clues time is passing and that is funny. What is Tesco doing for me? They don't provide a football pitch for me to have this fake family event on are they? Are they providing anything to help or move the story along? No, it's an instagram wank fest, we have established that.
I know this agency, full of very clever people with extraordinary creative minds. The thing is they have been allowed TOO MUCH FUN. At least the Disney emotive ball of kitten fluff that is the John Lewis ad at least has a gift involved that is transformative in some way. In fact the gift would fuck me right off if I am a bear, but never mind that - this is ad agencies having fun!