Troll Kingdom

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Hello, WFers

The Listkeeper said:
No, the host has gotten real popular, and is overselling space on their servers to porn sites. Since we're not a commercial site, they're seeing fit to screw us on bandwidth and disc space... We share the same machine with 916 other sites right now.

That blows some serious monkey balls.

Dirty ones, too.
Maybe we should move back to an Austrian server... :P

I think Elwood can sort all this out... wish I'd saved that pic of somebody blasting away that was all around the place yesterday. :D
When Bill Clinton was president, Wordforge NEVER had server problems!

Anyway, it figures that WF WOULD be down today, when there's some juicy political material happening that I could so use to troll the RightWingNuts today. :P
The Listkeeper said:
No, the host has gotten real popular, and is overselling space on their servers to porn sites. Since we're not a commercial site, they're seeing fit to screw us on bandwidth and disc space... We share the same machine with 916 other sites right now.
To avoid these problems we should all contribute more to the White Room. ;)
Phantom said:
If it please the Court, WF does not approve of the sharing of pm's...on Wordforge.

AFAIK, there's nothing to prevent Tamar from spraying 'em all over the place here. :)
Great. Then we can spread this info far and wide, and WFers can visit TK to post and read PMs in order to circumvent that rule.

Scorponok said:
Waitaminute. Discussion a PM is not the same as posting it. If someone PMed me and told me they were going on vacation, I can't post the original message of that person, but I CAN say so-and-so is going on vacation.

The rules on WF say POSTING of private communication is forbidden. To summarize what was said over PM does not count.
Total BS, IMO, unless you want to open a gigantic can of worms. Could someone post a PM and they say "Just kidding" a la Bart Simpson?

All info gleaned from a PM should be just as private as the verbatim message, or else the rule loses its meaning.
Hey, if you all want to read my sex chats with Tamar, by all means, do so kids might learn something. :)
Tamar_Garish said:
Gotta long wait, since it doesn't exsist. :lol:

So you don't remember that night when we started talking about bullfighters and zero gravity and things got out of hand...?

Damn...and I thought that was a meaningful moment when we started talking about snorkels...:(
Phantom said:
Hey, if you all want to read my sex chats with Tamar, by all means, do so kids might learn something. :)

What do you do, put your hands on the armrests, slide her down to the edge of the seat and do the "fulcrum"?