Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I'm back. I've been laparoscopically cholecystecortized and now I'm all stapled up, 11 itchy ass staples, some ready for removal. I've taken all of my anti-biotics and joy of all joys, did not suffer a yeast infection because of it, hooray! Which reminds me, I have some Vicodin for sale...Just kidding Mr. FBI Man. I'm feeling fantastic and ready to make your lives a living hell, or, ya know, make you chuckle, whatever.
I will be relating my harrowing tale in the Mine Field on Monday, look for it, it's good stuff. I'll be throwing in a bone for my lefty friends, don't miss it.
Ps. BDM and I are FRIENDS, gutter dwellers. Sheesh. :roll:
I will be relating my harrowing tale in the Mine Field on Monday, look for it, it's good stuff. I'll be throwing in a bone for my lefty friends, don't miss it.
Ps. BDM and I are FRIENDS, gutter dwellers. Sheesh. :roll: