Here is a gif of Sarek and The Dork Lord doggin' it over at Brawl Hall


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Forever Empress E
OMG - dog vomit - whatever will you do now?


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Dork Lord is on the bottom!


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WASHINGTON -- The Senate blocked passage Wednesday of a measure by Virginia Sen. Jim Webb to give U.S. troops more time at home between deployments to Iraq.

The refusal to proceed with Webb's amendment marked a setback for the freshman Democrat. He has tried to use his military expertise to build bipartisan support for a change of course in Iraq.

The Vietnam War veteran and former Navy secretary - whose Marine son recently returned from a tour in Iraq - had urged Congress to impose restrictions on troop deployments to give soldiers and Marines more time to recuperate and train at home.

Webb's measure, offered as an amendment to an annual defense policy bill, would have required that troops spend as much time at home as they do on deployments. Active-duty Army soldiers now get 12 months at home after a 15-month tour overseas.

"Many of our ground forces are actually spending more time in Iraq than they are at home," Webb said. "This is four years into an occupation. There is not a strategic justification for this."

But Republican critics assailed the measure as improper congressional meddling in decisions best left to military leaders and the commander in chief. They also said the effort to restrict deployments amounted to a covert attempt to end the surge of troops to Iraq announced by President Bush in January.

"I think it's a terrible idea," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who led the opposition to Webb's amendment. "If you want to take care of the troops, let them win. It's a dangerous precedent to allow troop rotations to be governed by politicians who are looking to the next election."

Sen. John McCain of Arizona is the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee and a presidential contender. He likewise opposed the amendment, which he said would amount to "an expression of distrust of military leaders."

Webb mustered only 56 votes to proceed with his amendment, falling four short of the 60 required under Senate rules to bring the measure to a final vote.

Senate Democratic leaders, who strongly backed Webb's measure, criticized their GOP counterparts for using parliamentary rules to block a proposal that had the support of a majority of senators.

"It was wrong that we did not come to the aid of our warriors who are fatigued, who are exhausted," Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin, D-Ill., said after Webb's amendment was pulled. "It was wrong that the Republican leadership decided to put a procedural hurdle in our way."

Republican leaders made no apology for their maneuver to derail Webb's measure, which they said would have politicized military decisions. "We're pleased to be able to defeat the Webb amendment," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said.

But the vote also exposed a schism among Republicans over Iraq war strategy: Seven moderate or centrist GOP senators joined Democrats in voting to advance Webb's amendment.

Among them was Virginia Sen. John W. Warner, a skeptic of the Bush administration's war strategy who opposed the latest surge in troops.

In a sign of growing Republican support to change course on Iraq, Warner has joined with Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind. Lugar is the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who recently broke with Bush to advocate a new strategy.

The two senior lawmakers are drafting an amendment expected to redefine the mission of U.S. troops in Iraq.

Warner has declined to discuss the effort, saying he wanted to wait until Bush presents a report to Congress on progress in Iraq, which could come as early as today.

But Warner and Lugar have praised the work of the independent Iraq Study Group. It recommended an intensive diplomatic outreach to Iraq's neighbors and limiting the role of U.S. troops to fighting terrorism and training Iraqi forces.

Warner and Lugar have opposed efforts in Congress to set deadlines for a withdrawal of troops, however. Democratic senators are planning to offer additional troop-withdrawal amendments in coming days.

After derailing Webb's amendment, the Senate defeated a similar amendment by Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., that would have limited troop deployments to 12 months. Webb voted for Hagel's measure, while Warner opposed it.

Today, the House is scheduled to take up a resolution setting timelines for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq.