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Heroic Fool Pedophile

Move along with your life Dammit!! Isn't that the reason you sold you home that was a lot better in a neighborhood that was a lot better, left all of your family behind???? isn't that the reason you left?? to leave the criminal charges that went into the federal database and left you unable to find a job that matches your experience and education level?? didn't you leave after spending $50,000 for nothing??? because you have nothing?? you are imagining all of this??? CUT YOUR LOSSES!!!

That is the same thing Robert Layman said...................cut your losses.
I don't have a lot of money like them so $50K is just a drop in the bucket to them. It was my entire life savings...................pitiful huh?
But hey!! Look on the bright can get a nice, big furniture box with lots of padding!! it will fit quite nicely under the overpass.
These guys are something else. It is totally unbelievable the lengths they will go to HIDE something.

I don't know why I even bothered since I knew this would be the outcome.

Well..................I had ONE taker. I can be satisfied with that and MOVE along so these guys Hiding can breath a little easier knowing they won't have to admit any wrongdoing.

Or maybe not. Actually....................I was inspired by the pep talk I received.
I am inspired to put an end to this once and for all. To bring them forward since they are not capable of doing the right thing. It's kind of like working with retarded show them the err of their ways, tell them how to correct the situation and they don't. So you have to FORCE them to do the right thing. Yep........... I'm working with a bunch of RETARDS on this case. Dirty Retards. Smelly


I may throw in a few criminal charges just to make sure they don't it again.

It's like a mothers love. I'm doing this for your own good.
You don't want me to go to The Jew. There will be NO messing around if I have to go to him for answers.

Trust me on this.

I am going to get my answers.