Shit, I just started another thread with this. lol
The ACLU is (and unsurprisingly so) concerned (at least, with regard to the Minutemen) with the migrants' basic human rights.
Thank you. If you didn't answer "yes" to that question, your case failed the imminence test by your own admission.The Question said:Was it the most direct cause of the crime? No.
The same place your "right" to not have jobs outsourced to another country, or taken by legal migrant workers went... it never really existed. You don't have a right to have a job in a capitalist country.SSgt_Sniper said:Last time I checked they were supposed to be the American Civil Liberties Union. So what happened to the rights of Americans to not have their jobs taken by illegals?
TJHairball said:Thank you. If you didn't answer "yes" to that question, your case failed the imminence test by your own admission.
TJHairball said:The same place your "right" to not have jobs outsourced to another country, or taken by legal migrant workers went... it never really existed. You don't have a right to have a job in a capitalist country.
Any chance of protecting it from unfair competition lay with the organization of labor, the strict enforcement of labor laws, and fair global economic discourse.
TJHairball said:The same place your "right" to not have jobs outsourced to another country, or taken by legal migrant workers went... it never really existed. You don't have a right to have a job in a capitalist country.
Any chance of protecting it from unfair competition lay with the organization of labor, the strict enforcement of labor laws, and fair global economic discourse.
Where? North Carolina, not that it should matter to you.SSgt_Sniper said:Okay, whoa wait stop. Where do you get off saying I don't have the right as a LEGALLY EMPLOYABLE CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES to not have my job taken away and given to an ILLEGAL ALIEN NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EMPLOYED IN THE UNITED STATES?? Because scooter, that's some fucked up logic.
The rest was so much garbage... and, unsurprisingly, not consistent with your answer to the question. You're still not getting it, are you...The Question said:You either didn't read on, or deliberately took my statement out of context.
TJHairball said:Where? North Carolina, not that it should matter to you.
Now review the rights you actually have in this society. The "right to not get fired, outsourced, downsized, or otherwise screwed over by The Man" ain't on that list. What, you think this country is run by organized labor?
I'll bet you haven't even been voting for candidates who support the ability of workers to strike effectively, let alone the sort of fringe candidate who supports a right to have and keep a job.
Now, that would be a mighty fine right to have, I'll give you that much. Show me a candidate who supports the right to have and keep a job and I may well support them.
Look?SSgt_Sniper said:I have the right to look for employment,
Let's see... "someone is required to employ me."aquire employment
"And I have a right to keep that job, too."be employed
Now... if you are specifically fired because you are American and Jose, that is an actionable offense. And the only reason to do so is in order to violate labor laws - also an actionable offense regardless of whether or not Jose is legal. (Ask me why I don't buy Mt. Olive pickles.)all without fear of not getting or keeping my job because of an ILLEGAL ALIEN? If I do my job correctly, and show up to work on time, and then get fired so the boss can hire Jose, who the coyote just dropped at the front gate of the joint, my rights as a legally employable person have been violated. If you are too stupid to get that, then I pity you.
And taking each crime individually, we're back to asking the question of Jose: "Did the amnesty bring you over here?" Jose not testifying to that effect, we cannot conclude beyond a reasonable doubt (indeed, by the statistics, cannot even conclude it likely - roughly 1 in 3 odds) that amnesty brought Jose hither.The Question said:No, I grasp the imminence issue just fine. I'm just taking each crime individually, whereas you seem to be considering them all collectively, and I'll admit that you drew me into that inaccuracy for a bit, too.
Now... if you are specifically fired because you are American and Jose, that is an actionable offense. And the only reason to do so is in order to violate labor laws - also an actionable offense regardless of whether or not Jose is legal.
No, I'm not. Is imminence that hard for you to understand?The Question said:So now it seems you're ignoring the INS findings that conclude the amnesty was the cause of the increase in crime, then.
This is usually not how it boils down. It's usually "Oh, fuck, how can I fill these positions in a hurry?"SSgt_Sniper said:and it's going to be me or Jose,
No, it's your right not to be discriminated against.then it's my right for it to be me because that's in agreement with the law and Jose is not supposed to be employed in the U.S., much less be in the U.S.
Call it taking out of context... I call it snipping irrelevant bullshit, because you churn out a lot of it. I don't feel a need to respond to "U SUCK U LIBERAL! I HATEZ U!"Also, taking a whole statement and breaking it down into convienent little out of context pieces to try to make one look stupid only makes YOU look thick.
No, it's your right not to be discriminated against.
You don't have a right to be discriminated in favor of.
I grasp all of that. Read more carefully, SSgt...SSgt_Sniper said:What part of it's illegal to hire him, he's not supposed to be in this country, what part of hiring Jose is BREAKING THE LAW do you not quite grasp?
My apologies. I assumed you were in favor of the whole "capitalism" thing. People who don't usually don't associate themselves with what are popularly identified as "conservative" political figures in this day, age, and country, and your ranting about liberals seemed to do so.SSgt_Sniper said:And what in god's name made you think I like lassez faire theory?
Seriously, get a bunch of 'em to apply. Document the crap, track the hiring practices, bring 'em into court for racial discrimination. They'll deny hiring illegals knowingly, of course, but you should be able to bag 'em for racial hiring preferences if the statistics pan out.I know a couple of people in Arkansas that would kill to get a job at Tyson despite the shitty wage, but they aren't of the brown illegal variety so they aren't even considered.