Hey Look, it's Whisky


Staff member
Dual is a virgin? No way. He has travelled Europe extensively as far as I know. If so get your fucking act together dude.


Retired Account
but if he isnt it cost him money maybe fuck all, but $$$

douche cunt.


Retired Account
did he call you alice or *grunt/snort/slurp?*


Dual, to my knowledge, has sexed once [a girl OMG], then got sexually assaulted by Dork Lord. I think he's afraid of sex, amongst many other things.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
Dual, to my knowledge, has sexed once [a girl OMG], then got sexually assaulted by Dork Lord. I think he's afraid of sex, amongst many other things.

One girl, a few dozen times. I'm not afraid of sex, but I am afraid of lots of other, even more irrational things!


RIP Karl 1991-2014
You should've sexed up Dork Lord. We've all got to have sex we regret.

I regret the sex with the chick. For regrets to be any good, you have to enjoy them in the moment. Regrets that were violent and frightening even as they originally occurred aren't any fun, that's something I can say with absolute certainty. ;)


was that the fattie you mentioned a while back, or some other lady. POST SOME PIX.

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
Not too shabby, from what I can tell in the slightly blurry pic. Good body shape at any rate. Nose might be a bit large, but I can't tell since the picture is rather blurry, as I said.

Robert "Monkey" Loggia

Mongoloid Biscuit Beast
Dude. Go back to your old avatar. Your new one is creepy. It's like Sylar as an angst ridden, socially awkward teenager!