Troll Kingdom

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Did I ever tell you this story?? I told it on a Cookeville board. Or was it a Nashville board YingYang??

My friend and I were riding around and she needed to get chemicals for her pool before we headed home. She said..........I guess I'll have to stop at Wal-Mart and I was like............NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, not Wal-Mart!!! On a Saturday????

LOOK!!!! up ahead, there is MVP spa!! Do they sell chemicals for pools?? she said...............I don't know??
I said...........Well pull in and lets check. We stop, go up to door, it is locked, we have to push buzzer............we look at each other funny???? this Oriental chick in sleazy bedroom attire comes to door.............we are like?????????? you sell pool chemicals?? stuff like like?? It says MVP SPA??????
She say........Me no do girls............
We are like...........We no do girls.........We wan poo supply.

Then we ran back to her car!!!! I said ...........LETS GIT OUT OF HERE!!!!

She said............I guess they don't sell pool supplies.
I say..............Fie Dollar.........Me Love You Long Time.
I have screen captured your giving my lawyer in Nashville the finger, I will be asking to review the statement you have given the feds FIRST, I will be giving them the Death Threat Thread you started .........using my real name on this board. I will be asking the question you as a potential suspect in the attempts at murdering me and my dogs.

I think you and Captain Wacky need to Git OJ Simpson's lawyers.

Thats all.

How much Coke are you girls doing at the Jean Store???
$300 dolla for a pair of Jeans??? My ass would have to look like JayLo's to pay $300 for a pair of Jeans. And how many fucking salespeople do you need in a small store like that??? I mean WTF???? 6 people and 2 customers??
A digital bidet in the employee restroom??? That must have set you back $$$$$$$$ I really like the padded seat warmer. That was pretty cool. I need to GIT one for my toliet at home.
Oh...............I haven't been able to afford my insanity meds for a long time and since I have been crazy with boredom I have had to come up with new ways to entertain myself so I decided to pretend I was LaFemme Nikita on a stake-out and I have bin watching you guys. My car blends in pretty well over there in the mall parking lot, I have good binaculars. I know when your store opens and closes, where you park---same area every time, what you drive (make, model, license plate number), you carpool from San Marcos, how many of you carpool together. I almost thought you busted me out one time so I had to duck down in my car real fast. I got away with it!! Thank goodness I had on a ball cap.
One question..........what are you girls taking out in the bags??? aren't stealing jeans or anything are you?? cause I can see how tempting that would a friend saying, "hey, can you git me a size 1 pair of jeans and I will slip you a $20 under the table.....that way they can't trace the payment source"

It would give you the extra money to support your coke habit.