Troll Kingdom

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Kids doing grown-up work. They are wet behind the ears.

But hey!!! I used to like playing grown-up when I was a kid!!!! It was fun calling the shots!
Think about this................just look at all the stuff I have found in the last 5 months and I hardly ever get out of the house.


A lot of it I conjure up in my insane mind.

Speaking of minds.....................I had another dream last night. It woke me up. It was a woman standing outside of the mall holding a really big cat. She was petting the cat. I recognized her.

I also recognized the person who approached her.

I have the weirdest dreams since the gassing.

They don't just have rats at Taco Bell!!! No.............there are bigger ones at the YingYang restaurant, they are a lot sneakier in that they won't let you catch them on video..........they are called Leaping Rats. If you suspect they are in your kitchen and you say................"Dirty Rats!! I am going to git rid of you!!!!" they will send the head rat out who will look really innocent and say........"there is only one of me, I am lonely and hungry. There are a whole bunch of rats at Taco Bell"

So you will feel sorry for the BIG rat, leave him alone for a while, grab your rat poison and head over to Taco Bell.
Have you ever had a friend play a trick on you something like this.........they will go "hey! look!".......and point their finger in the opposite direction and when you look.........they grab food off your plate!

I always thought that was a good trick.
So let me git this straight..............Mentalcase is running this place??


Just when I think I can't have any more fun over here..........I can!!