Hey Reject Haven Guise!


beer, I want beer
That went really well, don't you think? I mean, I totally felt like you almost had us on the ropes there for a second. I was nearly out of Queen pics and clever retorts. Good thing the bugbomb at your homeboard dissipated when it did, I would not have been able to withstand the onslaught.

Whew. Close call, there.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Im glad we have a gas dryer to do the laundry, I just shit myself beyond belief


beer, I want beer
Who you callin' RH guise?

Not you bro. Lifetime exemption. Besides, didn't I tell you you were Property of TK? Tattooed it right on yer ass when you weren't looking, that first day we caught you in the showers.


RIP 1970~2018
Not you bro. Lifetime exemption. Besides, didn't I tell you you were Property of TK? Tattooed it right on yer ass when you weren't looking, that first day we caught you in the showers.

You guys told me my ass hurt for another reason. Thanks for the hit to my self-steem fuckers.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Like that would ever happen. bad enough our dear Gear had to become a hypocrite just to talk to me here :bigass:



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
See Gear? Not a fucking thing. Yknow I dont care what you have planned for RH, they're all fucking idiots. Am I flag? You're the smart guy, you tell me?

Be seeing you around.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
PS. I am sorry for my fucking loss.


Shit Lord, Esq.
Just woke up from my nap, 10:48pm.

Jacklerchat still yappin' and Donovan still yippin'.

At the end of the day, we're all pissing in the wind.

What's your fucking point? Oh wait, nevermind.

Yip. Yip. Fucking. Yip.



beer, I want beer
Welcome back, new poster Queen Mud! lol that sure does make you mad, don't it?

PS I read some old thread lurking the Haven that you bested some young tart in debate over the constitution, using the old "blacks would still be slaves" gambit.

I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on that one, Master D Bater. No way that went down like you described.

Send my best to Gear and ESAD! Hurry back soon!


Shit Lord, Esq.
Yip! Yip! Yip!

P.S. It's not old thread lurking if I bumped it back to the top.

Trolled Kingdom Remedial Lulz


beer, I want beer
Wasn't paying attention, and I wasn't logged in so I just scroll thru "today's posts" from time to time. Truthfully I'm only keeping tabs to see if the joint gets any better with ESAD in charge and Gear over there. So far not so much.

Still call bullshit on the "constitution epic win" Master Bater. Didn't happen that way.


Shit Lord, Esq.
Yip! Yip! Yip!

I could've said the same thing about this board. It's all about where you draw that line in the sand.

Call bullshit all you want, the only thing undeniable is how compulsive Jack lies.

Let me guess, you lurked around all those threads where I put his own foot up his ass?



beer, I want beer
Yeah, I saw a bunch of it. Doesn't concern me, if I'd wanted to go join that battle I'd have fixed my registration when ESAD offered. I can't imagine a bigger waste of my time than fighting over who may or may not be a troll, sock or other fabric-appendage.

As for whether or not you have supreme ownership of Jack on this or any other board: that remains to be seen. I've known the guy a long time both as a friend and enemy, and I've seen lots of potential dragonslayers standing where you are now. We'll see how you fare. For the record, though: why don't you take a second to gather up all your victories against jack and scoop all of them into a big pile and hold them in your hands. Now look down at them and describe for me what exactly you've built there.


Shit Lord, Esq.
No more than the collective of your posts across all the boards you've frequented, in your eyes.

It's about where you draw that line in the sand, my friend.

I haven't owned Jack at all, I don't believe I've even claimed such a feat, however, I have been doing a decent job of shining the light on some rather compulsive lying.

Did you see how his nerdrage when Pogo got on his case? 10+ posts of copy pasta Patrick Mannix spam. Pure lulz.