Troll Kingdom

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Awww I missed some of you, haha...
I haven't had internet for a while, I just moved into a new place...I mean, I still don't have internet there yet but supposedly my modem is in the mail. Woohoo!

Soon i'll be back more to harass...I'm assuming lucy's still around?
What the hell else would that kid be doing with his time?
Luci is lurking around, taking turns posting as either SaintLucifer or Paladin, whichever isnt banned at that particular moment ;)
Atlas_Collins said:
Does this chick ever post tittie pictures?

She has some nice ones here somewhere.

Dont let Sarek see them , he only likes hairy fat man boobs.
Sarek said:
Jesus Christ. She's here for 5 minutes and you're humping her leg already.

Ah but at least he sees fit to hump a FEMALE. We understand you like humping males. Currently there is a huge convention in my city of Toronto. The AIDs Conference. It is set up to deal with faggots like you who enjoy passing on your disease when you fuck younger men up the asshole.

Our Prime Minister proved he is the best tonight but NOT SHOWING UP at the AIDs Conference here in Toronto! He's the man! He basically told all those faggots 'fuck you all and I hope you die!' Yes! Now THAT's why I voted for him.
tiff_7_17 said:
Awww I missed some of you, haha...
I haven't had internet for a while, I just moved into a new place...I mean, I still don't have internet there yet but supposedly my modem is in the mail. Woohoo!

Soon i'll be back more to harass...I'm assuming lucy's still around?
What the hell else would that kid be doing with his time?

Think about it for a moment you pieces of shit. She has been away for so long yet the ONLY person she asks about is the great SaintLucifer. I told you she had a crush on him. Too bad she is a whoring skank that I would never touch with a 500 metre pole.

I would suggest every single male on this site is quivering with anger and hatred toward the great SaintLucifer. Why? Look at the bitch's post! Who does she ask about? Any of you? I TOLD you I was the life force of Troll Kingdom. It is when I am absent that this site dies a slow death and you all know it. This whore up there wants me but I don't accept hookers.

Gentlemen, start your crying! The women love only the great SaintLucifer!