Dirk Funk
Evil Penguin
We had one in South Dakota
You lived in South Dakota? What town?
We had one in South Dakota
Rapid City. I performed at the Dahl Center of performing Arts and was a DJ at KTEQ radio.
I lived there from 1975-1980. The funny thing about KTEQ, is that the closer you were to it, the least able you would be to get it. The base got it, but anyone around St Joseph St. Was out of luck.
Just woke up. I feel like every bone in my body has been in a metal vice grip.
Just woke up. I feel like every bone in my body has been in a metal vice grip.
Just got up myself. Feel better, Neon and Loktar!
I think someone gave me a bear hug in my dreams. I wonder who?
I think someone gave me a bear hug in my dreams. I wonder who?