Homo Erectile keeps searching forums


Pinata Whacker
To find posts of mine to neg, most likely. I picked on him too much over at Lonaf(and drove one of his friends away) and here and so he's decided to go on a negging spree for the last few days.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Just keep me posted. Easy to block


Pinata Whacker

Just keep me posted. Easy to block

Ya really. I may be be getting ready to burn HE and my friendship bridge.

*lights match*

Don't worry about the blocking....yet. I can't tell if he's knocked off one of my pips or not. I'd prefer not to be red, but I'm not going to worry too much if he does somehow make me red.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I think of it like this HE....there's a method to my madness. TKR had a legit troll operation going on Wheeze for a legit reason. Call me bully, call me asshole, whatever. She was a good online friend who betrayed not just me, but the entire board with her bullshit. Her duplicity and speciousness of reasoning, her passive aggression, her endless lies, distortions, backpedaling, he so casually tossing our very real friendship under the bus of her inability to even take half the responsibility for what happened, created this troll operation. My goal was tits or gtfo. She saw what happened.

Now, you decided to come to her aid. I didn't have a problem with that. In fact, if everyone came to her aid, there wouldn't have been such an operation to begin with. Clearly the silence was deafening in that respect. So, Geneva Troll Convention dictates that during the entire operation (except when you stepped on my toes) you got to defend her. This is coolness when in a fight IMO.

Now what's happening is a little different. TKR is a very real entity, and Lox was acting in the best interests of the troll we were running so he's under my personal "protection" so to speak. What that means in specificity is his new posts are fair game. You disagree, you neg away. Otherwise you don't have any real reason to go back and try to red him out. This is my opinion, and as admin of TKR I'm entitled to it.

I give you this explanation because I consider trolling to be an art and TK to be my canvas, so to speak. I also respect you. This was earned imo.

So...I'm not "demanding" anything. You broke a couple unwritten rules.

Make it right. That's all I was asking.

Even an apology for stretching the rules of the game out of your own anger issues and a promise to stay current with karma would suffice. If I acted out that way, I'd accept responsibility if asked.

Fair enough? :D

Homo Erectus

Registered User
You were wrong to attack El like you did. It was low. Even if she was wrong she didn't deserve the pasting you and your gang of thugs gave her. You lost all my respect when you did. You're an adult. You should learn to act like one.

My negging Loks had nothing to do with that however. It started when I called him on his shit posting at Lonaf and he dragged it over here and started negging me. Back him all you want I could truly give a fuck. Ive made all the amends I am going to make. He is free to continue posting his slime at Lonaf, he doesn't know what I am talking about anyway. He just thinks I'm a big ol' meanie who needs medicine.


Homo is all "I'LL SAVE YOU" to anyone he thinks is an underdog. He has no guile. It's like Batman v Supes. Supes will never win that fight, Batman fights dirty, Supes never will.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You were wrong to attack El like you did.

No I wasn't, and you're not the arbiter of that as far as she and I went. You are wrong in your assumption. It was perfectly legit of me to attack her that way after the way she treated our very real friendship. She struck the first blow, she dragged it over here and then lied like a bitch about it, which has clearly sucked you in, given this bullshit.

It was low. Even if she was wrong she didn't deserve the pasting you and your gang of thugs gave her. You lost all my respect when you did. You're an adult. You should learn to act like one.
Fuck with the bull, get the horns. This is a troll board, I got washed in the blood of the lamb first year I was here, so I KNOW what the fuck I'm talking about.

My negging Loks had nothing to do with that however. It started when I called him on his shit posting at Lonaf and he dragged it over here and started negging me. Back him all you want I could truly give a fuck.

Need some cream for your Lonaf butthurt? Deal with your Lonaf butthurt there, not as an act of convenience here in the middle of my shit. Because my friend, that's what you're doing.

Ive made all the amends I am going to make. He is free to continue posting his slime at Lonaf, he doesn't know what I am talking about anyway. He just thinks I'm a big ol' meanie who needs medicine.
Neg one more old post and I'll do my best to insure you don't get to do it again. Understand? Try to stay with this, because it's rather tedious. You've got nothing. Your "reasons" are bullshit, and there's a way to rein said bullshit in should you continue to try to flex said "muscle"

Now shut the fuck up.


To find posts of mine to neg, most likely. I picked on him too much over at Lonaf(and drove one of his friends away) and here and so he's decided to go on a negging spree for the last few days.


(When you're not copying everything other people do).


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
aw look...mod abuse :bigass: I love it.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
See knuckledragger? It's a fucking trollboard.

Nice work Gagh. :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
or rather nice work [insert mod name here] whatever


Pinata Whacker
(When you're not copying everything other people do).

Sorry, I'll try to sleep less and post more and move to an earlier time zone so that my karma-ing after everyone else has and posting a similar opinion after someone else doesn't look like I'm copying andor mindlessly agreeing with the rest of the group.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
like I said elsewhere: Go fuck yourself.

You fail, you fucking pussy, You were tested. You were met, and you were found wanting. No wonder Lox owned you so easily at Lonaf that you had to come over here and act like you had some sort of moral authority vis a vis Wheezie.

Utter fail. Try really hard to separate your retarded board experiences.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
See, how easy was Wheezie? Poor poor pitiful Princess/



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
and to think, I used to respect you.

Good thing I'm human, or I'd be slaughtering myself.

Homo Erectus

Registered User
blah blah blah. You have a skewed perspective on the world Jack. Just because you're fucked up doesn't mean I have to be. Loktar brouhgt it to this board when he started negging me here. I just replied in kind.