
I want to smell dark matter
It's that time again when I rank the housemates!

1) Aaron - He's a bloody national treasure. Love his genuine reactions to everything and how he won't change himself at all to fit in. I think most of the housemates will get to like him more as the weeks go bye.
2) Louise - Best looking BB housemate ever. CALLING IT NOWl. And she's nice too. She'll probably drop down the rankings if she doesn't do much.
3) Harry - Okay so he foxes hunts, but who cares really. Everyone does evil things. He's a nice guy and quite funny and I enjoy his friendship with Aaron. SO THERE.
4) Rebeckah - Controversial high rating...I enjoy how she's playing the idiot boys. Really, they deserve it. But she thinks she can go up against Aaron and she's WRONG, girlfriend.
5) Mark - He is funny. Fake as fuck but funny.
6) Maisy - I don't know, we haven't seen much of her, but I think she's okay. Aaron likes her.
7) Tashie - She was hilarious tonight but really it would wear thin if we had the same thing ever week. She should go on Friday but will probably stay. Nice ass.
8) Jay - He's alright but he's the kind of male housemate that bores me.
9) Tom - Haven't really warmed to him.
10) Aden - He's a twat. He's not a totally bad guy, but still.
11) Anton - He is a totally bad guy. He's making some effort in the Diary Room so I'll give him a little credit.
12) Faye - Really wanted to like her but she's boring and the crying when nominating was annoying.
13) Heaven - Terrible.
14) Alex - Utterly pointless.


Is this real life?
1) Aaron: He's conniving, but for some reason I respect that. I like his little asides and knowing quips that he keeps making right under everyone's noses. It's exactly what I'd do if I was in the BB house with a bunch of lunatics. Just say sarcastic stuff to amuse myself and viewers.
2) Rebeckah: She's a psycho but it works. I like that she's keeping us guessing as well as the housemates. Does say "massively" too much.
3) Louise: I'm struggling to think of a hotter BB housemate. I'm hoping for an Aaron/Louise coupling to keep her interesting. And I NEVER hope for showmances!
4) Harry: I was assuming I'd hate him, but he seems like someone I'd get on with. Of course it's hard to tell without a live feed exactly how he's acting outside of the highlights. Presumably he's discussed fox hunting with the others at some point since they voted for him over it. It couldn't have stemmed only from the couple of quick mentions that we saw Pamela make.
5) Aden: He's a dick, but he's interesting and I like looking at him.
6) Heaven: Weirdo who I wasn't expecting to like, but she's genuine and she's someone a bit different, so entertaining at least.
7) Mark: I really do think he's a fake, but he's still reasonably nice.
8) Jay: It seems like BB always has to have at least one thick Geordie. WHY?!
9) Faye: What's there to say? She's got pigtails now so she's not even hot anymore.
10) Alex: Poor thing. She's just been put in there to be the ugly duckling. She probably interacts with people quite a lot but it doesn't fit her "story".
11) Maisey: I still haven't got over my initial impressions.
12) Tom: He's presented as the funny little guy but he's not entertaining. Doesn't say anything of note.
13) Anton: Bleugh. Boring, pompous, self obsessed, repetitive and boring.
14) Tashie: If I was in a house with her and she started whining at me I would struggle not to slap her.


I want to smell dark matter
I'd struggle to remember who Tom is if his grandad hadn't died.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
1) Aaron - OK I'm beginning to see what you're seeing. HE'S A LONER DOTTIE, A REBEL.
2) Tom - He's sweet & innocent in his own awkward, naked way. I wanna cuddle.
3) Mark - Is he bi or just addicted to rubbing it up against things? We should explore this.
4) Heaven - yeah I'll be annoyed with her eventually unless she loosens up a little.
5) Rebeckah - keep all those cocks nice and teased luv, it's really good TV.
6) Aden - watching him continue to not get any is hilarious. He will plummet down the list once one of the girls gives in to him.
7) Harry - harmless. The posh education helps him get in a witty line here and there. Also while I think fox hunting is dumb, the PC Nazi overreaction to him as a supposed representative of it is even dumber. Makes me hope he rubs their noses in it.
8) Louise - Because you guys love her so, I can barely pick her out.
9-10) Maisie and Faye - which ones are they?
11) Jay - awful and boring.
12) Anton - awful, boring and awful.
13) Alex - here's hoping for next week.
14) Tashie - good riddance.


I want to smell dark matter
Faye's the wrestler, Maisy's the blond.


Is this real life?
Faye's utterly changed, though. I mean for a couple of episodes I literally thought I'd missed something and they added some new housemate, only for it to slowly dawn on me that this hysterical girl with the pigtails was that hot, tough wrestler woman from a few nights back.


I want to smell dark matter
She needs to show her midriff more.


I want to smell dark matter
1) Aaron - Okay he overreacts to people eating cupcakes, but he's still the best one in there. I mean, who else is there, really?
2) Faye - Welcome return to form!
3) Mark - He is pretty funny sometimes.
4) Lousie - She's so good looking. I enjoy looking at her.
5) Harry - I still think he's one of the funniest (his reaction to "God, I nominated her twice" being read out was classic.) And maybe he thought the gay magazine thing would hurt his career, WHO AM I TO JUDGE.
6) Rebeckah - Her acting was really good when she was convincing Mark he was being evicted.
7) Maisy - I STILL like her for whatever reason even though she eats parts of cupcakes and is a bit thick.
8) Alex - She can be funny.
9) Tom - Meh. Annoying voice.
10) Heaven - Too mental. Too too mental.
11) Jay- Way eh man, I've eaten all the food like.
12) Aden - Limpet.
13) Anton - Aaron's assessment of him tonight seemed spot on.

I'm not really sure about these rankings to be honest BUT THEY'RE GENERALLY CORRECT.


Is this real life?
They're more or less the same as mine, but I'll do my own anyway.


I want to smell dark matter
PREDICTION: You have Tom higher and Maisy and Harry lower.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
1) Aaron - Young House is still fun to watch. Nice plaid pajama bottoms too.
2) Mark - Being naked all week seems to have humbled him.
3) Faye - She'll be dropping in the ranks soon, I can see it coming.
4) Heaven - Maybe there's some life left in the old girl.
5) Tom - Yeah he's Mario Jr. and he needs to make fewer enemies in the house.
6) Harry - Stupid fucking homophobe bastard. But I don't really care about the rest of the house.
7) Louise - She's the pretty one, yes?
8) Rebeckah - She'd be lower if her evil cackle wasn't so delicious.
9) Aden - He's a dead duck, but I give him a pity 9th for crying.
10) Maisy - Don't care about her.
11) Jay - Don't care about him.
12) Alex - Don't care about her.
13) Anton - Grump.


Is this real life?
I know these are completely out of sync with yours now but tonight's episode compelled me to rank.

1) Aaron - I'm sending positive vibrations his way. He really didn't do anything wrong and didn't deserve all this hassle the last couple of days. I thought he was leading Tom on at first, but hearing his explanation now I can totally understand it as I've been in that situation myself in the past. When Tom asked if he fancied him, Aaron said "you know what the answer is" to mean "I don't fancy you, but I don't want to have to basically say I find you unattractive, so let's just leave it as implied", but Tom, like people often do when they fancy someone, completely misinterpreted that and took the ambiguity as a confirmation that Aaron secretly fancied him but didn't want to say it out loud. It's not Aaron's fault that Tom's desperate.
2) Maisey - Am I really doing this? Yeah, it looks like I am. She's handled the Aaron thing really well (although I do think she's a slut for snogging a guy she doesn't fancy "because he was, like, there, y'know?" Yeah, these things happen in real life, but you'd be more careful on tv surely?). Anyway, she could've just abandoned Aaron, but instead she stuck by him and did her best to sort everything out. Plus she mentioned Mark's fakery in her noms.
3) Mark - I still think he fakes a lot of his verbal meanderings but he's been a good friend to Aaron and I think don't he's directly lying about anything, just trying to be entertaining, which is understandable and not evil.
4) Harry - Obviously I don't agree with his politics, but he's smart and laid back enough that you could have a rational discussion with him and maybe change his opinions on some things. And I like that he's himself without actively trying to start a fuss.
5) Louise - She doesn't seem to do much besides wear thongs and claim that Maisey's been staring at her once a week when she nominates her, but she's Louise.
6) Faye - She doesn't really deserve to be this high after going all psychotic this week, but she's still generally nice and isn't a cock or boring like the rest.
7) Aden - I hope he stays because I think he's a complex character and I like the real him when we see it (basically when his mouth goes all wobbly and he stops talking about gash).
8) Jay - Just a bit boring. He doesn't add any entertainment value unless you find him attractive, and I don't.
9) Tom - Needs to get a grip. If he's not whining about something then he's looking in the mirror and joojing up his ridiculous hair. Other than that he's inoffensively dull.
10) Heaven - I'm sick of people who think that speaking their mind and having absolutely no tact or empathy makes them more "real" than the rest of humanity. No, it just makes you a negative cunt that no one wants near them. And I'm skeptical that any one person could really believe in so many crackpot theories; even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff.
11) Anton - Obviously. Cunt. The only saving grace is that the others seem to be slowly picking up on his cuntishness and he must be building up quite a crowd of haters among the audience, so when he finally leaves, it'll be fantastic.


I want to smell dark matter
Louise is sadly falling fast. She doesn't really show much personality. I'll do mine tomorrow! You left out Alex by the way!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts


Is this real life?
Alex was going to be #5, but then suddenly I remembered that I still like Faye even if she's wrong wrong wrong.


I want to smell dark matter
1) Aaron - He's still the funniest. The editors seem to be trying to push some "love triangle" that isn't really there, which is annoying.
2) Mark - Half the time he's funny, half the time he's trying too hard to be funny. But it's better than most!
3) Maisy - I like Maisy! She's nice. She's funky. The boys have started being mean about her and I don't like that.
4) Harry - He went a bit mental tonight, but he's still cool.
5) Alex - She is funny, but I still think it's all a bit too "obvious" or somthing.
6) Faye - Eh, she's alright when she's not a crazy bitch.
7) Louise - It pains me to rank Louise so low since she still looks like Louise, but really she doesn't have much personality (or she's repressing it.)
8) Heaven - She's annoying but she's not EVIL.
9) Tom - If this was the outside world I'd spark him in the face.
10) Aden - Nope, sorry, he has no redeeming qualities for me. His crappy reaction to being up for eviction and the way he joinedin the disgusting talk about Maisy was the last straw.
11) Jay - Urgh. Louise you can do better.
12) Anton - What a shit.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
1) Mark - He's like a precocious baby that was left in a basket at their doorstep. Tom's version of being childlike is forced and semi-creepy. With Mark it comes naturally. He's not potatoes.
2) Aaron - He needs a week off the top. He's too ingratiating and humbled at times, that's when you can catch him playing for the money and/or the camera. I'm on to him.
3) Maisy - OK, you guys sold me. But I certainly don't want her to win or anything.
4) Louise - No reason really. She's the baseline -- everyone below her are people I have problems with.
5) Alex - Except maybe Alex, but she only works for me in small doses.
6) Faye - Has become slightly more annoying than Alex.
7) Tom - Surely there must be better queeny boys on that island that the show could cast. I still have a tiny soft spot for him though, even though yeah, he's kind of a shit.
8) Harry - I knew if he lasted long enough, eventually the "oh I'm here to dispel the posh stereotypes" Harry would fade and an impatient, spoiled posher would emerge. (But hey, Heaven brings out the worst in lots of people). And BTW, didn't Mr. I Can't Be Seen Gay make hints in his pre-show interviews that he might have bi tendencies? Where's that Harry?
9) Aden - Pros: He's not Heaven, Jay or Anton. Cons: SHUT THE FUCK UP.
10) Heaven - She's so gone this week.
11) Jay - Can they turn him into a throw rug?
12) Anton - Why doesn't everyone see him for the shit that he is and go after him???

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
@BBUKLive Big Brother Live
0017:Harry is getting a bedtime massage from Tom. The perks! #BBBUKLIVE


I want to smell dark matter
1) Harry - Fuck it. He's the funniest one in there and unlike Aaron he doesn't act up for dramatic effect. You can tell he's just being himself. And he ordered 500 bananas on the shopping list.
2) Aaron - He's still amsuing but he's hard work. There's just too much weirdness about him for it not to be suspicious. But he's still carrying the show.
3) Maisy - Oh Maisy. I thought it was funny when she went to the Diary Room during her break and didn't realise that was still taking up time she could have spent working. I like her bum. I find her endearing. The bookies say she's gone on Friday so she will be. At least BOTS will be worth watching.
4) Alex - She's basically broken character now (the Willy Wonka bit) and admitted that she's faking it. But it's funny at least.
5) Faye - Default ranking really since I still like her (not as much as Masiy) but she's annoying a lot of the time.
6) Louise - She's just normal and zzzzzzzzzz.
7) Aden - When he's not with the other two pricks he's okay. But utterly pointless.
8) Tom - Slimey.
9) Anton - Dick.
10) Jay - Shat in the freezer.


Is this real life?
1) Aaron - ? I don't know. He cries too much. He mopes too much. But he's still the driving force of what little action there's been in the house lately. (I've been finding this week's episodes pretty dull)
2) Alex - Her dumb comments are hilarious even if they're fake. She was a better fake dumb person than Mark.
3) Harry - He doesn't really do much most of the time but he is genuine and funny when he does do something.
4) Maisy - Really gone up in my estimations since the opening show when I'd written her off as a vacuous wannabe. Actually seems like a nice person, though we don't see her constantly starin at Louise or hear her singing all the time.
5) Aden - His rant at Heaven last week showed the real him. We need more! But I am sick of hearing him pronounce "cuddles" as "coddles".
6) Faye - Keeps looking like a dickhead, purely through her own volition.
7) Louise - Too dead normal.
8) Jay - I think he's a nice person under all that tattooing and bravado.
9) Tom - A vindictive little shit, under all that whining and stupid hair.
10) Anton - Grr.