Troll Kingdom

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How Crippled is Tamar_Garish?

She, like Terry Schiavo, is on her way to becoming a series of tubes, to paraphrase a certain congressman.

The time to strike is now!
Tamar_Garish said:
Keep irritating me Jillian and I will e-mail Dawn Brown personally.

Then you can enjoy real legal action!

Dawn Brown already knows what is going on Tamar. Its a little late in the game to making threats in case you haven't noticed. I gave all of you the opportunity to come clean, make things right. It was more than anyone else would have given you. Your names were given to the Attorney Generals of TN and TX a long time ago. I have also sent copies of my report to the FBI, Secret Service, JAG, Air Force, DOJ, Congressmen/Senators.............I have several letters of correspondence with the Austin Board of Realtors.
FBI parte due said:
She, like Terry Schiavo, is on her way to becoming a series of tubes, to paraphrase a certain congressman.

The time to strike is now!

I know, I would have done it this week but I have had a grueling schedule. I am getting ready to strike the ultimate blow. It really is too bad these people are so stupid.
Rov_is_a_Fag said:
Dawn Brown already knows what is going on Tamar. Its a little late in the game to making threats in case you haven't noticed. I gave all of you the opportunity to come clean, make things right. It was more than anyone else would have given you. Your names were given to the Attorney Generals of TN and TX a long time ago. I have also sent copies of my report to the FBI, Secret Service, JAG, Air Force, DOJ, Congressmen/Senators.............I have several letters of correspondence with the Austin Board of Realtors.

She even sent me your names.
^I have no idea?? What is your name Tamar? Everyone knows how much I suck at guessing who all the duals are..........I am much better in real life. Just axe DarthSikle.
was it anything in my report?? Cause you guys were all up in the DOJ, Carl Rove, possible obstruction of justice cases, U.S. Attorney's getting fired for not following "political" agenda's................even Dubya made a special appearance on TV that day!!! I was really impressed!! Especially since the White House was totally on the defense.
Tamar_Garish said:
Any moron can find out who DarthSikle is. sent the name Tamar_Garish to a DA? Retard.

No..........I told them your name might be Anna Yolei but I wasn't sure. I didn't put a definitive on anyone I couldn't make a positive ID on............just axed the FBI, other federal agencies, the DOJ to make an ID of the person with the user name Tamar_Garish on the website since you have to subpeona the board records even though I know three private citizens who have the identities when this board was taken down on 8/5/05.
Tamar_Garish said:
Any moron can find out who DarthSikle is.

I have respected DarthSikles right to privacy, if and when he wants to "come out" to me..........he will. The only thing I really know about DS is that he cares about me, he has been the ONLY person who knows EVERYTHING from START to now. AFter my EX filed divorce I talked to him on the phone a couple of times because we had thought about meeting in real life. I still have hopes that I will meet him someday...........I am doing all of this on his terms.
I am doing it on his terms because I respect him and care about him. I always have..............I guess that is why I haven't met a man whom could hold my interest since my divorce. He would probably be the only person.
^^Wedding?? Maybe...............blow job and hot sex..........YES!!! He has always been the man I have wanted to meet........has nobody ever noticed how I go on and on and on about him??? I have been doing it for YEARS!
Tamar_Garish said:
Oohh....a Troll Kingdom wedding in the works?
I can tell you this much Tamar...............I have TROLLED everyone on the message boards...........EVERYONE. I have done it by whatever means I have deemed appropriate at the time in order to get information.
DarthSikle is the only person I have been smart enough not to troll because I know he is a much better troll than me, he has my full respect which is why I have taken all my trolls and the information I have got out of them then turned them over to him.
He is the one person from a message board I KNOW would not be a disappointment in real life. You can take that to the bank.
Tamar_Garish said:
My name was sent, huh??

Just what is my name Debbie? Come on....what?
I think you are either Mike Davis or Anna Yolei. I have met Mike Davis and he was a lot easier to troll than I ever dreamed............for Christ sake, I warned the guy I was going to troll him and I did without him even realizing it. lame is that?? I have no respect for people like him because he has something to hide and it was pretty obvious. If I met Anna in person...........I would be able to do the same.