I live and breathe for this place. If it were not here, I would die. I set my clocks by it, plan my day around it, whip myself with a spiked leather thong and wear a hair shirt when it goes down. I keep a diary and write sonnets of love for it, scribble the name endlessly on legal sized pads of paper, have posters of the banner on my closet door, and search the internet for places where all the posters may be found should we ever not be able to meet here. I have snippets of favorite posts tacked to the wall over my computer and a scrapbook full of screen shots. My clothes are all red and black now, with accents in gray and yellow. I invite my friends over to watch me type messages on the board and we hold posting parties. And, sometimes, in the middle of the night, I get naked, climb onto the roof of my house, and shout out my love for all things TK. That is how serious I take this place. Do not mock me.