How will history remember Bush?


Staff member
Leaving all the pointless hippy bullshit aside I think Bush will probably go down in history as one of the better Presidents of the United States.

Thats just from my POV which is the only POV that matters.


beer, I want beer
It's hard to say. I'm not big on judging history while living in the middle of it. Certainly I see Western society as being at a crisis point, and I'm hoping that we will come through it intact.

I guess I see the Bush Administration as necessary to getting through that intact, though I can also see where the advances Western civilization has made are endangered by the fundamentalist wing of the Republican party. However, at this particular point in time, I think the Democrats are too self-loathing to be trusted with Western civilization, and I fear the consequences of their constant capitulation to Islam and the third world.

I think people on this board see me as a staunch Republican, but I am not. What I am is someone who believes that despite its flaws, Western civilization is the best thing we've managed to produce so far, and I refuse to throw it to the wolves.


Staff member
Well we are pushing through a transistional period right now, the climate of the world demands tough mesures and staunch resolve.

I don't agree with religion in politics whatsoever but I think Bush has stood ground well and weathered some of the worst disasters in a good long while.

I don't agree with everyhting he says but I am happier seeing him in charge of America than I would be that potentially dangerous bastard Kerry. And thats from someone who isn't a Yank and is looking at this from across the pond.

Put it this way, if he left office tomorrow what would your views on his Presidency be?

Peter Octavian

New Member
^Agreed, with everyone except Wordin, who will be chiming in here any minute with some windy drivel about the evil of anything not steeped in leftist dogma.

Bush is the lesser of two evils, and until our system is set up so that the person getting the job is fit to actually serve the country instead of cater to whichever special interest bankrolled the campaign that propelled him into office, then the lesser evil is the better option.

And you're right Menty. I don't necessarily agree that Kerry would have been dangerous, but would have just been flaccid as a President, both in action, and in the eyes of World.
Well, there's the whole corruption thing with those 'No-Bid Contracts' going to Halliburton for Iraqi reconstruction and reconstruction after Katrina, there's the cutting FEMA's funding, the cronyism with him nominating unqualified cronies to postions of power(Brown and Miers), and the lying about WMDs by picking and choosing which CIA intelligence would better fit his agenda.
Oh, and under his tenure, two Republican leaders, House Majority leader Delay and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, are under criminal investigation.

Peter Octavian

New Member
^Blah blah blah....

And there are still criminal investigations going on about Bill and Hillary and their cronies.

Don't ya get it? Anyone who actually gets elected to the job is probably unfit to hold it.

Show me one without dirty hands, and I'll quit smoking.


beer, I want beer
I think he's taken a strong stand against Islamic fundamentalism, something I've been hoping would happen since 1979. (Lefties can cry about Christian fundamentalism all the want here, but it doesn't change the fact that Christian fundamentalists don't fly planes into buildings.)

I'm actually disappointed at his second Supreme Court pick, though, because it shows him wavering from his principles. Granted, I don't always agree with his principles, but I admire the fact that so far, he's stuck to them. But this pick represents capitulation, when there was a chance to nominate a staunch Constitutionalist and end some of the ridiculous judicial activism in this country. Legislation from the bench goes against the principles of democracy, pure and simple.

I think he's a better president than Clinton or his father, but this opinion comes largely as a result of his willingness to fight Islamic fundamentalism, something neither of his predecessors took seriously enough. As for Reagan, I have mixed feelings. I think that his hawk stance did end the Cold War, but I'm not certain how I'd rate him, all things considered. Carter sucked. He may have been a brilliant man, but he was a shitty leader.

So in terms of the last few decades, I'd say Bush has done a better job than most. But I still disagree with him on a number of key issues, and were there better choices in 2000 or 2004, I might well have voted for someone else.


beer, I want beer
Black Feathers said:
Well, there's the whole corruption thing with those 'No-Bid Contracts' going to Halliburton for Iraqi reconstruction and reconstruction after Katrina, there's the cutting FEMA's funding, the cronyism with him nominating unqualified cronies to postions of power(Brown and Miers), and the lying about WMDs by picking and choosing which CIA intelligence would better fit his agenda.

Do you know what a Super-Contract is, you stupid fuck? Read up a bit on how the whole system works--and how it worked under the last administration as well--and then feel free to shut the fuck up.

Peter Octavian

New Member
Number_6 said:
So in terms of the last few decades, I'd say Bush has done a better job than most. But I still disagree with him on a number of key issues, and were there better choices in 2000 or 2004, I might well have voted for someone else.

Truer words were never spoken.
Some Dumbass said:
And there are still criminal investigations going on about Bill and Hillary and their cronies.

Don't ya get it? Anyone who actually gets elected to the job is probably unfit to hold it.

Show me one without dirty hands, and I'll quit smoking.

Red Herring, motherfucker. Do you see Clinton or Hillary any goddamn where in that fucking title? No, 'cause this thread's about Dubya, ass slut. Now, if you want me to fuck you some more, keep spouting dumb shit. :eek: I know you want to. ;) :p

Number_6 said:
I think he's taken a strong stand against Islamic fundamentalism,

Yeah, getting bankrolled by the Saudies sure is fighting Islamic Fundamentalism, a-hyuck. And that damn dirty secular dictatorship of Saddam's sure was filled with Imams. Heck, you'd think he'd have invaded Saudia Arabia, Iran, or any other shithole in that region if he were taking a strong stance against 'Islamic Fundamentalism'. The Iraqi constition also wouldn't be working in tandem with Sharia law if Dubya wanted to stamp out the Muslim fundies...

I'm actually disappointed at his second Supreme Court pick, though, because it shows him wavering from his principles.

Heh. That's idiotic. There is precedent for this, namely Brown.

As for Reagan, I have mixed feelings. I think that his hawk stance did end the Cold War, but I'm not certain how I'd rate him, all things considered.

Do you have any evidence for this? The Soviet Union was going to collapese regardless; their budget was increasing at a fixed rate. It didn't increase or decrease during Ronald 'Poopy-Pants' Reagan's tenure.


Troll Kingdom Ambassador
Can someone please explain to me how Islamic terrorism represents a "crisis point" for our civilization?

nominate a staunch Constitutionalist and end some of the ridiculous judicial activism in this country.

What? Originalists Thomas and Scalia are the most activist judges on the court. If you don't want activists, it would be really stupid to appoint an originalist.
Number_6 said:
Do you know what a Super-Contract is, you stupid fuck? Read up a bit on how the whole system works--and how it worked under the last administration as well--and then feel free to shut the fuck up.

Yes.. A Super Contract designed by whom? Yes, that's right, Bush's right-hand man, Dick Cheney. Yeah, that helps you out there. :roll:


beer, I want beer
^^And when Halliburton held the super contract under Clinton? Who designed it then, dumbass?

You are nothing but a Bush-hater, incapable of seeing past your own hatred to the facts of the matter.

As for the USSR, Reagan forced them to spend themselves into bankruptcy by escalating the arms race and refusing to play softball the way Carter had. Undoubtedly, it would have eventually collapsed under its own weight and rampant self-contradictions, but when? And how many more would have been forced to live under the yolk of totalitarianism?

You know shit all about politics.

Peter Octavian

New Member
Some mother molesting liberal pansy said:
Red Herring, motherfucker. Do you see Clinton or Hillary any goddamn where in that fucking title? No, 'cause this thread's about Dubya, ass slut. Now, if you want me to fuck you some more, keep spouting dumb shit. :eek: I know you want to. ;) :p

You brought up criminal malfeasance as an indicator of the corruption in this administration, motherfucker, so you can stuff that red herring shit right up your ass. It's only germane to point out that a former president, one which you have a particular warm and fuzzy feeling for, is still to this day, 5+ years later not clear of the corruption and criminality of that administration.

So, you can fantasize about fucking me all you want you pathetic little jerk, but my point about the position attracting the corrupt is a salient one.
Number_6 said:
^^And when Halliburton held the super contract under Clinton? Who designed it then, dumbass?

It was still the same basic contract written out by Cheney.

And what of the Katrina aftermath, cockbreath? Why were hand selected companies given contracts with out taking any bids from any others?

You are nothing but a Bush-hater, incapable of seeing past your own hatred to the facts of the matter.

You are no more than a fool, suckling at the tit of idiocy! Black and white are always clearly defined, there is always only one cause for an effect!

As for the USSR, Reagan forced them to spend themselves into bankruptcy by escalating the arms race and refusing to play softball the way Carter had.

And your proof for this is?
Peter Octavian said:
You brought up criminal malfeasance as an indicator of the corruption in this administration, motherfucker, so you can stuff that red herring shit right up your ass. It's only germane to point out that a former president, one which you have a particular warm and fuzzy feeling for, is still to this day, 5+ years later not clear of the corruption and criminality of that administration.

So, you can fantasize about fucking me all you want you pathetic little jerk, but my point about the position attracting the corrupt is a salient one.

Silly little man, Clinton is not relevant to this discussion. Whether or not Clinton was corrupt has no bearing on Bush's guilt. ;)

Peter Octavian

New Member
You really are very inept, aren't you sparky.

I wasn't defending Bush at all, or even necessarily ragging on Clinton, but pointing out (now pay attention little guy) THAT THE FUCKING POSITION OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ATTRACTS CORRUPT, OR CORRUPTIBLE, INDIVIDUALS. But bearing in mind your myopia, it's no suprise that you have trouble grasping simple points.
My favorite ass slut's aching for more?! :shock:

Peter Octavian said:
I wasn't defending Bush at all,

And could you please provide a quote where I claim you are?

I see your problem. You misread the title of this thread. You believe for some reason that it deals with Clinton. Heh. No, Ass Slut, it doesn't. If you'd like to discuss Clinton, then please, by all means, start a thread on your favorite subject, Clinton.