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I actually LIKE Star Trek TMP


missmanners' favorite toy
Yep, I am serious. I know it has the reputation of "The Slowmotion Picture" but I still think its a great movie. I really do feel like Star Wars ruined the experience of it, as it is a lot more in line with the big sci fi movies as they once were like 2001, or Solaris, and not the pulpy stuff that Star Wars essentially is. I actually enjoy the big long drawn out sequences of going through V'Ger, or the Mindmeld, or even the Enterprise flyby. It gives you time to think and enjoy instead of going from one action set piece to another. I also like that it has no shame in getting philosophical around what it means to be alive and striving to "touch the creator" and growing up.

Sure there is some odd stuff in it (god those uniforms are just SO fucking 70's) but even being essentially a long drawn out episode, I think it manages to do so much better at it than say Insurrection, which it's self felt like a long drawn out TNG episode.
This varies, but I've thought for awhile now that TMP is my favorite Trek film of the lot with TWOK a close second. I dig TMP's slow ponderous pace and never found it an issue, but then 2001: A Space Odyssey is probably my #1 sci-fi flick of all time.

For whatever reason I didn't see TMP in the theater when it came out so my first exposure was probably when it was on HBO, whenever that was. It's much more enjoyable on a large screen TV than the 19" CRT we had back then, lol.
so I didn’t get to see any Trek in the theater till VI, but for the longest time it was the movie my dad wouldn’t rent for me because he said it was too boring and I wouldn’t like it. Ironically he said the same about 2001 and I stayed up till 10 on a school night watching that too lol. But I finally convinced him and saw the bigger longer ABC version of the film and liked it even then.

It absolutely does need the big screen treatment and the Directors cut and recent remaster goes a long way to making it feel complete. My only gripe on the DE is they changed the red alert sound effect which I loved and they used in later films and even as recently as Disco and SNW to some awful muted thing.
Mmhmm. I still haven't seen the latest DE remaster and should get around to that one of these days. I do have the theatrical cut and the 2001 DE and probably the ABC SLV somewhere.
I need to give it a proper chance -- the last time I remember watching it was many years ago, and my takeaway was mostly impatience with the long, drawn-out scenes, specifically the long journey over the honeycombs to get to V'GER. Maybe this weekend...
The Director’s Edition improves on it in many ways as well (and they’ve recently edited that further, or made higher def effects?)
The Director’s Edition improves on it in many ways as well (and they’ve recently edited that further, or made higher def effects?)
As I understand it the newer edition of the DE kept pretty much the same editorial decisions from the original from 2001 and rescanned the film for 4K and corrected some dodgy CGI elements from that one. Mostly the same experience, visually more striking.
TMP with the DE is much better than it's original form, but you have to consider that a lot of movies from that time period were quite similar. 2001: A Space Odyssey is slow, and lest we forget the abomination that is The Black Hole. Pretty sure that's just a Disney fever dream.

The DE went a long way to improving the pacing of the movie while still maintaining a lot of the slow panning shots that made the movie what it is.
Yep, I am serious. I know it has the reputation of "The Slowmotion Picture" but I still think its a great movie. I really do feel like Star Wars ruined the experience of it, as it is a lot more in line with the big sci fi movies as they once were like 2001, or Solaris, and not the pulpy stuff that Star Wars essentially is. I actually enjoy the big long drawn out sequences of going through V'Ger, or the Mindmeld, or even the Enterprise flyby. It gives you time to think and enjoy instead of going from one action set piece to another. I also like that it has no shame in getting philosophical around what it means to be alive and striving to "touch the creator" and growing up.

Sure there is some odd stuff in it (god those uniforms are just SO fucking 70's) but even being essentially a long drawn out episode, I think it manages to do so much better at it than say Insurrection, which it's self felt like a long drawn out TNG episode.
It took me a long time to like and truly understand TMP. When I first watched it was probably when I was in my late teens/early 20s. I didn't like it at all. Over the years I heard people talk about all of the thinks people love about it, the starship porn, the conversations Spock and Kirk have, the conversations between Kirk and Bones, Ilia and others stuff and I gave it another chance.

This after re-watching TOS, TNG, DS9 and ENT and eventually VOY and re-watching the other movies and after years of conversations about movies and movie making and learning to appreciate bad movies or movies that I don't like. After all of that when the 4K directors cut came out, that's when I had finally come to like TMP. I thinks the closest thing to TOS we'll likely ever get and feels like an extended TOS episode. It embodies a lot of the essence of TOS and that's what sells me.

The Enterprise is beautiful, the updated FX works for me, the conversations are great and the score is great. If they would have started out with the TWOK uniforms and the TWOK bridge it would improve the movie. It's not my favorite, but I do like it.
I've always been a fan, I think it would me more widely regarded if it wasn't followed up by literally the best star trek film ever.
As I understand it the newer edition of the DE kept pretty much the same editorial decisions from the original from 2001 and rescanned the film for 4K and corrected some dodgy CGI elements from that one. Mostly the same experience, visually more striking.
The issue with the dodgy CGI elements had a lot more to do with the fact when they did the DE, they didnt think of doing the CG for high def for some ungodly reason. So once you started playing it on high def devices it looked REALLY bad. Played on a standard CRT TV which was what was common when the DE came out it looked perfectly fine and not out of place at all.
The issue with the dodgy CGI elements had a lot more to do with the fact when they did the DE, they didnt think of doing the CG for high def for some ungodly reason. So once you started playing it on high def devices it looked REALLY bad. Played on a standard CRT TV which was what was common when the DE came out it looked perfectly fine and not out of place at all.
Yes that was mainly what I was getting at, recreation for hi-def because in 2001 they went with 480p resolution. Presumably they also fixed that odd shot wherein looking out the observation lounge windows at the nacelles it looked like the Enterprise was flying sideways and stuff like that.
Yes that was mainly what I was getting at, recreation for hi-def because in 2001 they went with 480p resolution. Presumably they also fixed that odd shot wherein looking out the observation lounge windows at the nacelles it looked like the Enterprise was flying sideways and stuff like that.
I always find it funny reading up on the production and the amount of fighting Rick Sternbach had to do to get Jennings to understand you literally cant put those sets IN the Enterprise... they dont fit! See also the rec deck and the fact its supposed to be in a saucer towards the back edge, yet had turbolifts that basically go OUT of the saucer. Thats also why the Refit model has those square windows on the back right of the saucer when looking at it from behind, it was Sternbach trying to make sense of a bad set design decision.
I always find it funny reading up on the production and the amount of fighting Rick Sternbach had to do to get Jennings to understand you literally cant put those sets IN the Enterprise... they dont fit! See also the rec deck and the fact its supposed to be in a saucer towards the back edge, yet had turbolifts that basically go OUT of the saucer. Thats also why the Refit model has those square windows on the back right of the saucer when looking at it from behind, it was Sternbach trying to make sense of a bad set design decision.