* * Filthy European * *
I don't hate everything.
Better, I guess, but what is your avatar now? It looks like a standing turd being struck by lightning.

its an ice storm.
I don't hate everything.
Better, I guess, but what is your avatar now? It looks like a standing turd being struck by lightning.
Full agreement here.
Although I didn't have as many complaints about him as I do/did some of our other recent office-holders, the fact that he didn't have the balls to refuse to validate the sex questions with an answer other than "get bent" was something that permanently damaged my estimation of him.
That said, it didn't bother me nearly as much that he lied to people asking a question that was none of their business in the first place. They didn't deserve an honest answer any more than a dishonest one.
its an ice storm.
There was a great deal about that whole situation that bothered me. However, in this country in this day and time I'm not allowed to be bothered by a Democrat's abuse of office. All that will garner is a litany of Republican's abuse of office, like it is my fault. So, Bill is a scuz and that is a-okay.
There was a great deal about that whole situation that bothered me. However, in this country in this day and time I'm not allowed to be bothered by a Democrat's abuse of office. All that will garner is a litany of Republican's abuse of office, like it is my fault. So, Bill is a scuz and that is a-okay.
Go third, Eloisel. There has to be a party of your liking.