Troll Kingdom

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I Can't View SC links

Isn't Caitriona Jennifer Reyes??? From San Antonio?? As in the link I found to the Hyatt Regency & Democratic Party??

As in the person who called Eric over here to press a false criminal charge against me?? As in ................Jennifer Reyes who aided/abetted in Criminal Activity??

Why would she still OWN anything?? Why would she still be online?? Why hasn't the Dept of Justice brought her up on charges???
Jennifer Reyes.

Is she related to the U.S. Rep Silvestre Reyes???? You guys know I saw a Suburban with a round seal (as in the House or Senate) stalking my house. It had dark windows, was a mauvish color..........I could identify the color........two-tone........bottom darker than top. Young guy driving it, he passed up and down by my house 5 times in one day. He didn't come back after I popped up from behind my garbage can after I took it to the curb and saw him coming again. I got the license plate number if anyone knows how to run it.
This could be political suicide for the FOX.

well.....................maybe not if they come up with another way to kill me.
No wonder everyone keeps telling me to go to the media with this. They know all those dirty politicians in Washington D.C. are going to cover this dirty bastards ass. HE IS FEEDING HIS OWN TO THE WOLVES. THIS GUY SHOULD BE TRIED FOR TREASON.


And just so this is posted on a public website. There are Mexican rednecks who have been driving by here on a daily basis. They first started doing it to set off Bling's alarm. They would do it day/night. Now they are driving by MY house.
I can identify the trucks just drove by, Green color. They have revved up engines, most have extended cabs. Almost all are pick-up trucks, a few motorcycles.

New Chapter/New Campaign

They aren't going to be able to ignore you MURDEROUS bastards much longer. I come.

see how little crimes lead to bigger crimes??? let this be a lesson to all of you.

Crimes Involved:
Official Misconduct
Public Corruption
Malicious Prosecution/False/Forged Criminal Charge/False Arrest
Fraud by Wire (18 U.S.C. 1030) Computer Fraud
Indentity Theft
Invasion of Privacy**
Attempt & Conspiracy/Aiding&Abetting
Computer Hacking
Obstruction of Justice
Civil Liberties/Constitutional rights violations
Death Threats/Harassment/Intimidation
Possible Pre-Meditated Murder

***The key people I have identified from the two private investigators I hired and help from private citizens on related websites, current trollkingdom owners, I have not been able to confirm all of the identities but the FBI will be able to give you the information I don’t have since they have files on this case.

****the people who are members/own/operate the Trollkingdom website/who aided & abetted in criminal activity/who are responsible for forged/false criminal charges being brought against me:

*Jack Burden/owner of property-Iguana Grill-Austin/Burden Brothers website/rock band/512-266-8439—has knowledge of this case, married boyfriend of Dawn Brown/Coldwell-Banker

**Dawn Brown/Coldwell Banker/misrepresented herself to me/was assigned to my relocaton efforts after telling Mary B. she knew me/harassed/used deception in her dealings with me/stalked/introduced me to others who tried to conceal their knowledge in my case/she profited from my misfortune by making money on the front and back end of my deal plus I have knowledge that someone paid her to keep tabs on me for some reason. She is part of the coverup, she did this willingly/she gave my personal and financial information to several people who had nothing to do with my real estate transactions/abused her fiduciary responsibility to me /Dawn Brown/Lets Fly A Kite/Buddys Texas Album/Cats/Paradise, TX/
** Ashton Brown/512-912-7775/former Nion Interactive employee/Applied Materials-Austin/could be her son/Her sister works for NionInteractiveSolutions

Dawn set up several misleading and shady encounters for me when I first moved to Austin. The last contact I had with her was when she and Jack Burden took me riding around to show me Austin, we ended up going to several desolate lake areas/ended up in Marble Falls at an O’Charley’s restaurant she insisted we go to after making a phone call . I witnessed several military personnel in front of the restaurant, an older Mercedes Jeep (there are few of them in the U.S. and are usually reserved for high-ranking military officials), when I asked her what was going on she told me “God Sent her, this was Divine Intervention”, I became fearful for my safety. Jack & I decided we should go to the restaurant next door, Dawn kept trying to position me at the table, later on a military person walked out on the deck but turned away when I looked at him so I turned my attention to Dawn who made direct eye contact with him, laughed/nodded her head at him. When I turned to see his reaction he was heading out the door. I can identify all the people in Marble Falls. After lunch I saw two men quickly head out of the parking lot in the Mercedes Jeep….my guess would be grunts going to gas up the jeep while their commanding officer was in the bar. I wanted to go home but they wanted to drive to one more area, it was very remote (dirt road), I had a panic attack because I knew they were up to something and I honestly thought they might try to do something crazy like kill me. Dawn then made a phone call to someone who she used to work with, asked if he had the “code” to her phone, then tried to set up a meeting with all of us. She told me his name is_________but he goes by Damone. She was vague in all details, her story was so bizarre I demanded they take me back to my car. I would not return her phone calls after that then called Kirby Carson at Coldwell Banker, told him some of the things that happened, I called MaryB who I initially worked with at Coldwell and asked her why she turned me over to Dawn. Mary told me Dawn came to her, said she knew me and liked me. This was all new to me. I do not hold Mary responsible because she was deceived along with me. I have brought Dawn before the Grievance Committee of the Austin Board of Realtors

***Nion Interactive Solutions (Sanjay Lall/***Jeanine McNaught***/GenMgr)/ Austin/**Jeanine has firsthand information—has a connection to the FBI who could be up for Official Misconduct/trying to cover up this case/It would explain why she offered me a job no strings attached. I do not think Sanjay Lall had knowledge of this, he is her employer and trusted her to run his company.

**Jennifer Reyes/Democratic Party/San Antonio, TX/Hyatt Regency Hotel/Democratic National Committee/
**Rose Reyes/aliases are used on all her websites/Winnie Rose Reyes/runs websites where federal offenses took place
***I have reason to believe some of these people are tied to U.S.Rep. Silvestre Reyes office, they would not return any of my phone calls, emails or letters.
I strongly urge the federal agencies to question him to see what role, if any, he had in this investigation.
I would also like to say I had death threats made against me on the www.brawl-hall website when I told them I was aware of the webscam going on. I saved copies of the private messages. I was told this is bigger than Jimmy Hoffa/JFK assassination. One month later my dogs and I started becoming lethargic and I started having headaches. I turned off my ventilation unit since I was leaving town but the person who cared for my dogs turned it back on when it turned cold. My oldest dog became ill, threw up everywhere, lost her body fluids, frantically clawed the door to get out and when she couldn’t get out of the back down she tried to claw out the window. When the person came to check on them she found the mess, called me, said my oldest dog was unresponsive in a pit she had dug beside the house. I called the person I have stayed in contact about this whole case and gave him her name/phone number. When I got home I pulled out the carbon monoxide home detector and found levels in my home. I urge the Department of Justice investigate who tried to gas me and my dogs. Whoever did it is a Murderer.
One month ago the cable on my garage door snapped when I tried to get my car out.

** Steve( last name??)/Austin/IBM/Ph.D.Engineering/Fiber Optics/ speaks 4 different languages***there are records where this person forged a criminal charge and previous arrest on me, he is the person who commited a federal offense and the Army is helping to cover it up.

Anna Yolei—online stalking/harassment/recruited other members to harass/libel/aid/abet in illegal activity.

**Scott Schmidt/USDA or /Ohio/1329 Nunner Rd Mauwee,Ohio/513.899.3019/address-phone of ex-wife/
Or Emilie Schmidt/NY/Dancer/Entertainment
Connected to:
US Rep Jean Schmidt/Ohio/helped cover up the receipient of Medicare reward
Greg Goatley/General Site Manager at Ed Schmidt Hummer/

RetLtGeneral Bruce Harris/Augusta, GA/my ex-husband Tim Harris/this all started several months before my divorce was final in retaliation to filing adultery charges against him. Tim is personal friends with the Putnam County Court Clerk who helped cover up wrongdoing and government malfeasance. Both attorney’s (Craig Fickerling and Randy Chaffin) in our divorce should be questioned since the criminal charge brought against me fell within one month of my divorce and they both possibly conspired in withholding information they had in my case.
Conspiracy???? Too many people have knowledge of this for it to be a Conspiracy. I have been leaving paper trails, witnesses, documentation, posts on message boards for two years. What if they had succeeded in murdering me and my dogs??? Do they honestly think all of this wouldn't have come to a lot of people's attention??? That is how stupid it is.
Let this be a lesson to all of you. I took the online stalking seriously from the first day. All of you made fun of me but you see the outcome???

Pre-Meditated Murder.
I suppose I could look at Dawn's scam on me in a positive light. I was able to turn the scam around on her and get 60% more people involved. She is also the person who spurred me on to GIT to the bottom of this. You can imagine my complete SHOCK to find out U.S. Representative's of the United States of America would be involved in such a shady, murderous, greedy sloppy conspiracy<<if you call it that.

I call it Skull, Bones & Greed.
Of course, I never expected to run into all this other illegal stuff trying to find out who Jennifer Reyes is. That was my biggest goal when I did my online find out who was running this board at the time. Caitriona. The BDSM chick.

You are One Kinky gal.
I was trying to find out who Steve is too. He is the person who pissed me off most when he forged a criminal charge and previous arrest record. Then there is Tamar............what is she doing running around on this board?? I am still going to find out how many websites you posted my false criminal record with all my vital stats on. You see how this has ruined me financially??? If it weren't for Jon and his people I would have never found a job.

Wouldn't it have just been easier for the AstroNut Steve to give me enough of the TAX-FREE medicare reward to cover my legal expenses at the time???? But NOOOOOOOO........he had to be greedy about it since he doesn't have enough money. Couldn't some of you just tried to help me get these false/forged criminal charges off my record and clear my name??? No telling how long my rap sheet is by now.