New Member
I called dibs first bitches.
Sarek said:Try "please" instead of "I called dibs first bitches" you uncivilized moron.
Caitriona said:As a mater of fact, "please" works so much better than "bitch".. as does treating people who offer good advice a little bit better.
Send me the work, and if it is publishable.. we may have a deal.. If not, you'll be "my" bitch instead of the other way around sonny.
BitchSlapSmitty said:I'll never be your fucking bitch. You want quality in an issue then you'll see the fucking light.
Nuff said.
Sarek said:"Fuck off".
Interesting. The exact words I would use were I Cait.
Sarek said:Monkey doesn't get his way, monkey resorts to incoherent babble and then groveling.
Think the government would give me a grant to fund my monkey behavioral research project?
Sarek said:When groveling does not bring the immediate desired results, monkey turns purple with rage and starts flinging his feces about.
BitchSlapSmitty said:You do know Cait, that I wasn't referring to you or MM as bitches, rather people like Sarek who are indeed bitches.
It was a figure of speech, w/ the exception of Shitrek, cause he's a real mans's bitch!
Caitriona said:LOL, and how was I suppose to make that distinction? It looked like you were calling me a bitch to me. If you weren't then fine, but my advice still stands, saying please works better in the long run.. or at least not saying anything that might tick me off.
I have no problem with ANYONE contributing to the zine. I never have. You can do 1 article, or a 100 and it will all be used sooner or later. You can do a complete issue for April, and that is fine too. But let me give you a piece of advice, stop posturing with me like you do the run of the mill troll.
Call me a bitch and you get the same in return. It's as simple as that. What I find absolutely fucking incredible is that after all these years, no one can figure out that when it comes to me, "As you sow, so shall you reap" You get what you give.
Other than that little lesson, like I said, I welcome all entires for use in the zine. A complete issue is 7 articles, and I need them well in advance so I can code and edit them.
Caitriona said:^ LOL..