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I feel disconnected.

Boring day at work.
A final demand for 700 quid that the guy who used to live here owes.
A wife with a migrane.
And the worlds most despressing documentry about the tnsami on tv.

Not the best day ever.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Actually, Lost on Translation (which I loved) wasn't Sofia's freshman effort. She directed Lick the Star which nobody saw because it was a festival piece, and then The Virgin Suicides, which many saw and some thought was good.

I found TVS interesting and sad, but somewhat off-balance. It goes from offbeat to morose with little in the way of roadsigns. Lots of good actors to enjoy, though: James Woods, Kathleen Turner, Kirsten Dunst, Josh Hartnett, and a lot of teen actors on the way up.

Hmm. No Lick the Star on Netflix. Does it ever pop up on IFC? Was it any good? I'll have to see what IMDb yields on that one.

I think somewhere in the back of my mind I knew she was associated with The Virgin Suicides, but I didn't know she'd directed it. Haven't seen it, though.

The Life Aquatic was pretty good, though not really what I was looking for last night. Plus the DVD was all fucked up, and I had to clean it five times to get it to stop skipping/stalling/stuttering.

Tonight Waking the Dead's fifth series premieres on BBCAmerica, so I'm looking forward to that. I'll miss Mel.