I find it odd


Forever Empress E
So, on my FB, quite a few people I have known for long time have come out in support of guns. They have the right to express their love of guns. So, I post that I don't want any guns around me. I don't. I did not say they can't have their guns. I said I don't want any around me. OMG. The hew and cry about how dare I not just freaking love their guns and their right to carry guns and their need to have guns in their house, their car, their work, and on their person all the freaking time because it is their right and they went to war and put their lives on the line to have the right to have a gun and guns and guns and guns and guns and guns and guns.

I've also let some of my friends know that I've made the decision not to eat meat. I did not say they can't eat meat or even suggest they shouldn't eat meat. OMG. The hew and cry about how dare I just not freaking love their eating meat and need to eat meat and their right to eat meat.

Why is my right not to have a gun or not to eat meat such a threat to those who wish to have a gun and/or eat meat?


Forever Empress E
Interesting comments. Shows what I've heard to be true.


Forever Empress E
The only people I ever knew to have guns were soldiers, police officers, some security personnel, some ranchers, and hunters. Unfortunately I've met a criminal with a gun too. Few of my friends and family had one.

My dad fought in WW2. I don't recall him ever telling me he fought in a war so I could have a gun.

The most religious intolerance I ever came across was when I lived in Arizona. Some kid told her parents about some of the books in my house. I have a lot of books and some of them are on religions including witchcraft. The neighborhood parents came to my house as a gang one night to do violence against me. Had to point out to these people that most of my books are historical. Having them didn't make me an ancient Egyptian or Roman. They calmed down and went away but they never gave up their insanity. After that they made up the most filthy and vicious lies about me. They needed to justify their hate and violence. Another reason why Christians scare me.

Most of the persons on my FB who are having a fit about me not wanting guns around me are Christians. Several are of another religious belief. I wonder when my friends decided they needed guns. One of my nieces is married to a soldier so it is natural for him to be armed. My brother in law is from New York and a hunter his whole life. One of my friends is a military contractor and at times needs to be armed. Nobody else is a hunter or employed where a gun would be required. So why do they have one?



My Stars!
I grew up in Arizona.

The religious intolerance there is ingrained. If you are not an acceptable "Christian" (meaning you can't be Catholic, must be Morman) then you were unacceptable.

I never saw too many guns when I grew up. So I have no opinion about them. They do scare me personally, but that's because I never grew up handling them.

I've been on a vegetarian diet since December because of health concerns. It's been okay, and I only get a craving every once in a while for chicken. If you preface your new found vegetarian lifestyle with your health issues, I don't think people will have such a conniption fit over it. Your doctor made you do it. Blame him. Sometimes you just have to do a little extra 'splaining when you mention these new fangled ideas of yours so the traditionalists stop panicking.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
So, on my FB, quite a few people I have known for long time have come out in support of guns. They have the right to express their love of guns. So, I post that I don't want any guns around me. I don't. I did not say they can't have their guns. I said I don't want any around me. OMG. The hew and cry about how dare I not just freaking love their guns and their right to carry guns and their need to have guns in their house, their car, their work, and on their person all the freaking time because it is their right and they went to war and put their lives on the line to have the right to have a gun and guns and guns and guns and guns and guns and guns.

I've also let some of my friends know that I've made the decision not to eat meat. I did not say they can't eat meat or even suggest they shouldn't eat meat. OMG. The hew and cry about how dare I just not freaking love their eating meat and need to eat meat and their right to eat meat.

Why is my right not to have a gun or not to eat meat such a threat to those who wish to have a gun and/or eat meat?
Congratulations! You now know what it's like to be gay!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Wow...I completely blocked out the Freudian angle while I posted that.

You're so naughty... ;)


Forever Empress E
Before I was reincarnated this time I made a request to TPTB. I asked to be pretty, witty and gay. Next life I'm going to be more specific, provide visual examples and finely tuned definitions of what I currently think of as pretty, witty and gay. Hopefully I will agree in my next life with those perceptions in this life.


Keeper of the Nether Eye


Forever Empress E
I'm sitting here trying to eat my wheat penne rigate with low sodium pasta sauce and low fat parmesan cheese and veggie crumbles. The cats keep trying to steal my fork. No. They don't want my food. They either want me to eat it with my fingers or they are trying to keep me from eating it period.


Forever Empress E
Several of my friends unfriended me on FB the other day because I don't want guns around me.
Today some of them asked to be my friends on FB again.
I friended them again.
I didn't unfriend them in the first place.
Just ask that they not bring guns around me.
If they can't do that, then maybe they should pour a concrete bunker around their house and never come out again because it is obviously too scary for them out here in the world.


Forever Empress E
That is how I feel about it too. They want to have their guns, then fine. But, I'm not going to their house. Since I'm not in their house and I'm definitely not going hunting, then they have no reason to bring their gun to my house or to anyplace where we may meet to socialize and hang out together.


Forever Empress E
This is my year to be wicked. Been making controversial statements on my FB. First - I don't want guns around me. Second - I've gone vegetarian full time. Third - Regardless of who I voted for POTUS, it is not in my best interests to do whatever I can to undermine that person while they are in office. Cutting my nose off to spite their face is counterproductive. There is a reason why we have the ability to vote people in and out of office and why they are restricted to two terms.

In the FB world where it seems so many posters just share cutesy, pithy remarks/pictures/fabrications for mass consumption made by other, faceless posters/organizations, I find it interesting how many on my FB actually read what I've written there. It is in plain type. No 24 point italic script, bold, other than black print on top of a fabulous picture with some celebrity or historical person's signature attributed thereto. Just me. Shaking it up so easily.