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I find it odd

I can't remember if I ever joined Facebook. I think I tried something like it, could have been Twitter, but found it boring and deleted the account. If you like to core dump and don't mind being open about your views and life, I guess Facebook is okay. But I just didn't see the point in it. Unfortunately, so many companies and news outlets have Facebook accounts that you are almost forced to join Facebook. I'm still not tempted, but I often wonder if this is the future of staying in contact with people you met on boards/forums and that forums are being replaced by Facebook and Twitter.
I started on FB to stay in touch with my nieces and nephews. The kiddos are spread all over the country and the world these days and it is the best way to stay in touch with them. It has snowballed since then. It is a useful place but some people seem to be all about sharing those prepackaged messages - post after post after post after post. Quite often I miss stuff because I get tired of skimming past those posts and just quit looking for anything of interest. Every time I think I've got FB figured out they go and change the rules. I'm too old to keep up with that stupidity. My daughter has to go in and straighten out for me.

I haven't learned about Skype yet. I don't keep up with anyone I know from message boards on my FB. That is what message boards are for. I've tried twitter and have a bunch of followers even though i don't twitter. Haven't figured out Pinterest either and probably never will.
i am 100% for every single yank to own a fully automatic machine gun ...sooner you lot kill each other off the better the rest of the world will be ...have a nice day y'all
i am 100% for every single yank to own a fully automatic machine gun ...sooner you lot kill each other off the better the rest of the world will be ...have a nice day y'all

You say that but the minute some other place in the world needs help they are quick to call Americans in. I know people who lived in or were caught in disaster zones in places like Haiti - areas being destroyed by flood and tsunami and hurricanes - and they tell me that they, meaning the people of that country, say to each other to look for the Americans because they know we will help them. So, go on hating but there are a lot of good Americans that help make the world a better place.
The paperclip is so reminiscent of Luci with his ignorant diatribes - save the lack of the yellow font.

The paperclip is a shock poster with nothing truly intelligent to impart, adds nothing to the daily posts, enriches no conversations, and ultimately has nothing to contribute to TK other than possibly be something to smear onto a slide for a dulsutory study under a microscope into what causes people to be assholes. His posts so far are nothing but endless attempts at raising everyone's ire with incindiary rants and temper tantrums. It all has been done before by so many other failed newbies who have come and gone before him. They all thought they were so clever and unique in this approach. The paperclip's tiresome rantings and ravings are tedious, predictable, and worst of all, he has the bad manners of not even trying to be amusing or entertaining. I mean, even Luci was entertaining when his arguments stumbled over the perpetual foot in mouth disease he was afflicted with.

What purpose does the paperclip serve? Our reposte pinata? No matter how hard one may bash the paperclip, he's an empty shell: no substance within, no real personality to discover in the persona he's hidng behind, and like his namesake, easily discarded. Sad, really. Because if he is what he presents himself to be, then he's a mile outside of Crazytown with the pedal to the metal.
This is my year to be wicked. Been making controversial statements on my FB. First - I don't want guns around me. Second - I've gone vegetarian full time. Third - Regardless of who I voted for POTUS, it is not in my best interests to do whatever I can to undermine that person while they are in office. Cutting my nose off to spite their face is counterproductive. There is a reason why we have the ability to vote people in and out of office and why they are restricted to two terms.

In the FB world where it seems so many posters just share cutesy, pithy remarks/pictures/fabrications for mass consumption made by other, faceless posters/organizations, I find it interesting how many on my FB actually read what I've written there. It is in plain type. No 24 point italic script, bold, other than black print on top of a fabulous picture with some celebrity or historical person's signature attributed thereto. Just me. Shaking it up so easily.
I consider those on my FB to be my friends. I don't have random people that I don't know on some level or another.
I don't debate stuff with my friends really. I just use FB for announcements/invites to events etc. Nothing more.
Only my friends and some friends of my friends are allowed access to my FB. My daughter went in and fixed it so harmful, nasty, mean people can't get at my stuff.

I just have a very diverse bunch of friends. More so than I thought. Guess we just never spoke about guns much over the years. It became a big topic recently because of the guy that shot up all the children. For the most part I'm a live and let live person. I don't appreciate it when people try to force themselves on me though. Been working on how to better deal with those kinds of people. Their needs, wants, and wishes are just as important to them as mine are to me.