Troll Kingdom

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I hate animals!

I used to have a bunch of goats. We were going to eat them, but I loved them too much so we sold them to some Mexicans and they ate them :(
I like in porn where sometimes girls eye makeup runs down their face like black tears of joy washing away the need for a father figure.

mmmm...dirty girls.

If your makeup doesn't run maybe you aren't working hard enough.

I think their eyes are watering from: (1) pain; (2) gag reflex; (3) someone didn't clense well, (4) the idiot female didn't remember to use WATERPROOF EYE MAKE UP! Geeze, Louise, get with the beauty program and do your research!

P.S. For time out of mind women have been warned NOT TO WEAR BLUE EYESHADOW!! Do they listen? No, they do not. Hold up the mirror, are YOU guilty of blue eyeshadow 'cuz you think it matches your outfit, or the color of your eyes, or compliments your brown eyes? You are so wrong and you didn't listen to the Beauty Oracle. Either get to a beauty forum on Delphi, or toss out that cwap you're plastering on your eyes. It is WRONG, so wrong. People are laughing at you in front of your face.
I think their eyes are watering from: (1) pain; (2) gag reflex; (3) someone didn't clense well, (4) the idiot female didn't remember to use WATERPROOF EYE MAKE UP! Geeze, Louise, get with the beauty program and do your research!

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes NO!
Dogs eat cat shit.

No wait..

Dogs will lick anything.

No hold on...

Ah shit nevermind.
hm, I've been called many things, but the equivalent of cat shit - well, that's a new one.
Anyway, if I had worries about where every tongue had been prior to licking me... well, my life wouldn't have been so much fun.

Sorry Ily.
lol, no, youre not.
Dogs are a veritable fount of bad decision-making. Never take financial advice from a dog.

My dog told me to buy stock in his his Bark company instead of his Bite company I was going to invest in. Long story short, the Bark market collapsed and his Bark ended up being worse than his Bite.

(Nevermind...actually thats not as surprising as me posting about eating bacon wrapped babies)