Internet God
I like in porn where sometimes girls eye makeup runs down their face like black tears of joy washing away the need for a father figure.
mmmm...dirty girls.
If your makeup doesn't run maybe you aren't working hard enough.
I think their eyes are watering from: (1) pain; (2) gag reflex; (3) someone didn't clense well, (4) the idiot female didn't remember to use WATERPROOF EYE MAKE UP! Geeze, Louise, get with the beauty program and do your research!
hm, I've been called many things, but the equivalent of cat shit - well, that's a new one.Dogs eat cat shit.
No wait..
Dogs will lick anything.
No hold on...
Ah shit nevermind.
lol, no, youre not.Sorry Ily.
Don't you dare stop now./washing tongue
Wait...ah shit.
Stopping now.
Indeed.Dogs are a veritable fount of bad decision-making. Never take financial advice from a dog.