i have irritable bowel syndrome

Oh, now we're changing thread titles we dont like? Guess Gear nailed it on the head. TKR has most definitely taken over the Tea Room.
Loktar - Nothing was done on my behalf. You and your friends have been allowed to do as you please. You really shouldn't whine so. Where is your sense of humor?
Dinner was amazing. I found this lowfat, lowcarb, low staurated fat, no transfat, apple maple sausage, and after I did all the dishes, Kate mad a stirfry with broccolli, green, red and yellow peppers, and a and curry.curry sauce. It was so delicious I had two servings. Plus asparagas and peanuts and curry.

Grey fox Inn is one of 32 decent places to stay in Stowe. Now that I'm telling you I am indred a taxi driver, I leave myself open to someone who could hurt me irl.

God tells me who to pick up, because for some strange reason I think everything is cosmic, and predestined.
I promise to stop the duplicity, because I actually am trying to have a conversation with you.
Not really. Just some people are not able to comprehend. For example, because I wrote that I don't wish to be forced to speak Spanish in my own country you somehow interpreted that to mean I like to think of dead Mexicans. What you think and what I wrote are not the same thing. Thank god. The question, though, is why you read that into what I wrote to begin with. What kind of mental illness are you harboring? I hope you do get a job soon. Being unemployed has messed with your head.
Not really. Just some people are not able to comprehend. For example, because I wrote that I don't wish to be forced to speak Spanish in my own country you somehow interpreted that to mean I like to think of dead Mexicans. What you think and what I wrote are not the same thing. Thank god. The question, though, is why you read that into what I wrote to begin with. What kind of mental illness are you harboring? I hope you do get a job soon. Being unemployed has messed with your head.

Whatever. I thought of you the other day when I bought some shirts(technically my mom bought them). I was going to wash them before I wore them and my mom said I didn't need to since I bought them at a high class place like JCPenney's and not from some place where dirty low class people ie niggers shop.
Whatever. I thought of you the other day when I bought some shirts(technically my mom bought them). I was going to wash them before I wore them and my mom said I didn't need to since I bought them at a high class place like JCPenney's and not from some place where dirty low class people ie niggers shop.

You might wish to rethink that stance. People go into JCPenney's and try on the clothes and don't buy them. They also buy the clothes, wear them, then bring them back with the tags still on them to get their money back. Either way - you are wearing other people's germs near your private parts if you don't wash newly purchased clothes before you wear them.

I don't think I've ever heard anyone refer to JCPenney's as a high class clothing store before. Then again, I haven't shopped at one in a couple of decades. We used to go there for tools and household stuff.

I wonder when the self-righteous crowd is going to come down on you about your use of racial slurs. Well, not really. I'll have long forgot about this post by the time that happens.
I wonder when the self-righteous crowd is going to come down on you about your use of racial slurs. Well, not really. I'll have long forgot about this post by the time that happens.

Don't deflect my mom's racist attitudes on me, bitch.