I make a Real Boo Boo!


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Yesterday I went to the Gas Station and noticed a new type of Energy Drink. It came in the same type of capsules that the 5-Hr energy drinks come in, only this one cost close to $7.00 :eek:

I (being the adventurous person that I am) decided to give it a try thinking that this should last all day instead of the regular 5 hrs.

I took it...and then all hell broke loose

The brand of it is called "estrogen" This I learned the hard way is far more than just an energy drink. This is a (Sexual Enhancement Formula) to give the user a "boost of enegy" in "all the right places"

So..I wound up spending the rest of the enening with a boner as hard as a rock, and my wife ( in one of her "off limits" moods) wouldn't let me anywhere near her!


The Call Of Nature

Saint (what else!)
for such cases Mother Nature in her infinite wisdom* has given the male sex a pair of hands :p

(*being well aware of the fact that the brains also given to them are usually only used to prevent the wind from blowing across the inside of their sculls through the ears)