I met a man


My previous title sucked.
"And probably gay." - I know a gay. He says he masturbates often. In fact, maybe more often than an average guy.

Saying that porn is gross - the grossest things in standart porn are vaginas and penises - if he finds that gross, it's not a good sign. Maybe he watches just erotic, and not porn. Or he uses his fantasy - which is good enough, at least to me.

There is a big chance he's lying, but not 100%. If a guy is not wanking, then IMO he has really low sexual desire. Or he's getting enough sex. But I don't think that "2-3 times a week" is near to enough sex. Anyway, for unknown reason, women have the wrong idea that masturbating is a loser-ish act.

So, there ARE women here in TK. Yay! /slaps your bitch ass

It's weird how when using this nickname (it's my troll nickname), less than 1% of my posts have ANY seriousness in them. And here, on TrollKingdom, I'm posting serious stuff.

Dr Dave

There are not a lot of chicks one can get away with that with. He's probably used to the sort that would be pissed off by such things.


Forever Empress E
Once, when I was much younger, I was out riding around in a car with some of my friends. This was back when we could get eight or more thin people into a car - which was good because it made the contact high better. We were so innocent then. Anyway, we stopped at a store and a couple of the guys went in to get soft drinks and munchies. One of the guys picked up a Playboy magazine and held the centerfold picture up to the window for those of us still in the car to see. Then he paid for the stuff and came back out to the car. One of the guys asked him where the Playboy magazine was and he said he didn't buy it. They asked him why. He said, "because it doesn't grab my dick."

I've known guys who like porn but don't have very healthy relationships. I've known guys who don't care for porn at all but have very healthy relationships. I think if a person substitutes porn for a personal sexual relationship with a real person, then they've got a problem. Probably their partner does too, if they have a partner, because the partner may feel like they are left out or diminished to the dime a dozen sort of sex partner a person finds in porno.

Personally, I don't know if my current men friends have pornography in their homes. That is their business not mine. However, I will say this, when I have seen pornography anyplace I'm apt to be in a person's home, I have generally lost interest in them, and that is regardless if they are male or female or even a person I am having an intimate relationship with or considering having one with. It is purely because of the intimacy I put into sex and if me and that person aren't compatible in that area, then we aren't. It does no good to try and change that person so I just go on my way and let them go on theirs.


My previous title sucked.
Not watching porn while having a relationship is good. Not watching porn at all is bad. Maybe that guy just didn't like the Playboy nudity - it's much better when on video, maybe he hates silicone boobs (like I do), or maybe he simply can't stand professional porn (that's a common thing).


Forever Empress E
That was a long time ago - pre-video, pre-cable TV, pre-internet. In the stone ages.

Dr Dave

Watching porn while in a relationship isn't bad. Now if you're doing it to a level which isn't healthy, that's another issue.


Forever Empress E
I think it depends on the persons in the relationship. If one doesn't like it and the other one has to have it, then it is a problem. Probably one of those things people should have a frank discussion about before they get too far into a relationship if they think they may be heading that way. Not to be a buzz kill but to save each other some grief in the long run.

Have to tell you this terrible story. Back when I was a very young bride, my then husband wanted to go to an xxx rated movie theater. He'd been before but I never had. So, we went. Ewww. Kind of place I just knew something was going to crawl off the wall and get on me. Anyway, the movie was such bad quality it was horrendous. And this guy sitting in the row behind us a few seats away from me was making the god awfulness noises so I turned my head to make sure he was okay. My husband said, "don't look - you might get something in your eye." Years later when Paul Reubens was arrested for masturbating at the xxx-rated movies did I understand what my ex was talking about.

Oh, keep your porn. But, I'll think of you as looking like Pee Wee Herman masturbating in a dirty movie house.

Dr Dave

While it might be an issue, I don't think it's ok to expect the person to not have porn. Now sure you can ask they not have it out when your around and stuff.


Forever Empress E
I think it depends on if you share the same space too. I'm picky about what is in my house. Porn and football are not allowed in my house. I don't like people to wear their shoes in my house either - they might have stepped in someone's spit and now it is on the bottom of their shoes and they are tracking it into my house. Some things I just find gross. I don't allow perfume and scented products in my house as I'm allergic to most scents put in products. I have to go through the world sneezing and itching but my house is my allergen free haven. I'm serious about that too. If someone is coming to visit, they need to wash up before they come over.


Forever Empress E
All that being said, I do think he is lying-but he will rank a woman when I am right next to him, which I love btw because my ex husband would totally lie whenever he was checking out a woman and couldn't just tell me she was cute. (He was the one with the hidden really sick gross porn collection btw!!!!!)
So I don't really know why this guy would lie or have a reason to lie about it-
I will continue my search for others that do not like porn!!!!!!!!!Probably on the internets is not the place to explore. : P
Maybe he is in the porn business and doesn't want me to find out. WTF I don't know?!!!?!

So, it is important to you that your partner not require having porn as part of their life?

I Love Cunt

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I love you
So, it is important to you that your partner not require having porn as part of their life?

I have just come to accept the fact that probably all guys look at porn and masterbate. I say it doesn't bother me, but really sometimes it does. Now I know everyone's brains will get in a hissy fit, just calm down.

There was a time in my life where I went to church and bible studies etc etc-I learned that masturbation wasn't bad but looking at porn was. So I had this expectation that the guys I met would not look at porn.

Then I hit reality and have learned it is just a thing. Whatever.

The only reason it bothered me in the past is when it was hidden from me-I probaby have an unreasonable expectation that he would share it with me and that is where I had difficulty.

All in all I really don't care.


Is this real life?
StringTheorist up there made a good point. Not everyone likes professional porn. I certainly don't. There's nothing erotic imo about some people who barely seem to know eachother, let alone find eachother attractive, having awkward sex for money. I also don't necessarily find people with perfect bodies appealing. Not necessarily because it makes me feel insecure or anything, but I guess I just like porn that reflects my own sex life. I'm not into all that hyper-reality, fake tit, foot-long dick crap.

Maybe he's just not found the right type of porn. More likely, though, sex 2-3 times a week is enough for him and he doesn't need any supplemental wanks.


I want to smell dark matter
Accidental nudity on reality tv shows it the best type of porn.

I Love Cunt

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Let's fuck some shit up
Mirah, is this the same dude that you think is lying about cheating on you while you help him cheat on his wife?

If so, you really need a new toy, sweetie. This guy is a consummate liar.


Forever Empress E
...... More likely, though, sex 2-3 times a week is enough for him and he doesn't need any supplemental wanks.

I think that describes most of my men friends. They are in their late 40s to late 50s. They aren't quite ready for viagra but they don't have the drive they had say 15-20 years ago. They still like sex, it just isn't an all consuming top priority kind of thing.


I don't look at porn either. I have some naked pix of ladies on my PC, but no more than 20 or so. I don't own or buy any magazines or movies. I've never needed it. I have an imagination that works just fine, when I need it to.


Pinata Whacker
I don't look at porn either. I have some naked pix of ladies on my PC, but no more than 20 or so. I don't own or buy any magazines or movies. I've never needed it. I have an imagination that works just fine, when I need it to.

I don't watch much porn. I like watching mostly the porn parodies of movies. Last one I watched was The Devil Wore Nada. And as for magazines the closest I have to a porn mag is an old FHM featuring the Buffy Girls and a 2001 Swimsuit Illustrated. And I have way too many naked pix of ladies on my PC.


Forever Empress E
I don't have any porn but I do like to watch half and nearly naked cowboys dancing. Is that considered porn?

Had my daughter's bachelorette party at a local male strip club. Tony T was smoking hot. There were several of the male strippers at the front door when our party came in. I told the younger women in our group that things had really changed. Back in my day the guys gave me their money instead of me giving them mine. Several times during the show the strippers came to our tables and stuck dollar bills down the front of my blouse then went in to retrieve them. I liked that. They got big tips. yeah.