I must ask for the Perma Banning of Dual


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Since when is ANY MOD allowed to remove posts?

Y'all are treading thin here. I'd pay attention to this, were I you.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Ok admins, this is really the last straw. Any board that would allow a mod to remove posts (this is different than giving a mod permission to edit a post after the fact) isnt going to have me as a poster any more.

Dual started a locked sticky thread in the Tea Room. A PUSSY MOVE TO BEGIN WITH. We politely asked a TK mod to unsticky the thread in question so we could at least respond to it...which we did.

Dual deleted the posts and re stickied the thread.


at least a DayCare stint for Dual, and reinstatement of the deleted posts.

Since when did this stop being a free speech board? This isn't trolling...it's just sad.
This is why TK sucks now jack. But good luck waiting for MENty to reply like he gives a fuck. TK would never have resorted to this in the early days, but things change...sadly.:(


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Well, we've always known how "fragile" our little Constantine is.

But this? This is just sad.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
He also changed a Gear thread title.

Poor little pwnt fucker. Get a life constantine. sad little man.
Sarek once completely removed/deleted a thread I started & on several other occassions edited thread titles & post content...complained to our wonderous new "DO NOTHING" owner & never even received a response on the matter...but i wish you better luck on getting your matter resolved jack. No matter how i sometimes feel about you jack, YOU should not be edited here...but, if the content needs to be edited because of a potential legal matter then I understand, but a comment should be added to the post to specify that it was done for that reason. Moderators here should not be editing or deleting posts/threads because they dislike another poster or are just on their shitty little power trip. but again, the owner of the board needs to address this issue...but he's probably somewhere getting his cock sucked & has no time to give a fuck! ;)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Looks like TKR happened to this board :bigass:

Like I said...we pull out over this and the only posts outside the minefield will be HE's Faggot's and Racist Bitch's


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Sarek once completely removed/deleted a thread I started & on several other occassions edited thread titles & post content...complained to our wonderous new "DO NOTHING" owner & never even received a response on the matter...but i wish you better luck on getting your matter resolved jack. No matter how i sometimes feel about you jack, YOU should not be edited here...but, if the content needs to be edited because of a potential legal matter then I understand, but a comment should be added to the post to specify that it was done for that reason. Moderators here should not be editing or deleting posts/threads because they dislike another poster or are just on their shitty little power trip. but again, the owner of the board needs to address this issue.

Awww d00der, it's ok...if we fight, isnt the makeup sex after awesome?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Im flooding the Tea Room til this gets addressed.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
gnight TK.

Sleep well............ me loved you long time