I thought it was the huge purple dildo and other spiritual things

Love Child

One Love
About six months ago a girl fucked me with a huge purple dildo
in and out
several times
in and out
I've been in pain recently and I thought for sure it was the huge purple dildo that she fucked me with, in and out and in and out while her tongue licked my clit
but its something else. I might have an enlarged ovary. It has been causing me pain for 2 months now, maybe 3.
I am seeing a doctor next week. Does this make me any less sexy? Is this something I should not share with my current lover? "Oh by the way I may have an enlarged ovary, but I can still have sex"
Yeah not sexy!

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
It doesn't make you any less sexy at all. You're perpetually sexy. Especially in your work uniform. ;) I certainly hope it's nothing serious.

Love Child

One Love
Thanks! Really that made me smile. I'm not worried, I know it will be ok. I'm just glad I found out what the cause of the pain is.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Yes, less sexy, a guy wants to hear that you're sore after he fucks you, not before.


Touching the monolith
Staff member


It doesn't make you any less sexy at all. You're perpetually sexy. Especially in your work uniform. ;) I certainly hope it's nothing serious.

Hang on a moment, I'll just mop up the excess slime trail you left behind after that nauseating comment.

Oh, looks like I'll be needing to mop up several TKers vomit too.

On the other hand, the Purple Dildo was a fun weapon in GTA San Andreas. For 5 minutes.


I want to smell dark matter




Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Yes, less sexy, a monkey would have used its prehensile tail to catch itself.


I want to smell dark matter
Donkey Kong is scared of ice. Something to remember if he ever tries to rape you.


I want to smell dark matter

Love Child

One Love
Yes, less sexy, a guy wants to hear that you're sore after he fucks you, not before.

Sex isn't painful.
And I'm not in constant pain, only monthly.
The thing is-I'm a terrible liar, I don't think I can hide this from him for very long. He is going to know something is amiss.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I don't really have anything to say about the topic of this thread but I think I'll post in it anyway because some cool people have posted in it and I want to be like the cool people.


TK addict
Couldn't have been the dildo. Purple dildos are the friendliest of all the colored dildos


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Tell him your biological clock is ticking, then have him put his ear over your ovaries.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I mean, on the level of surprise revelations, "I've got an enlarged ovary" is pretty mild compared to, "I'm really a shemale".

Love Child

One Love
I was in the doctors office with 3 other brunettes who were all the same age as myself. But I was the only one who had her hoo-ha exposed and her feet in stirups sitting on a table. It was like the beginning of a great porn except the part where they tell you you have endometriosis.
"So does this mean I can still fuck with huge purple dildos?" I asked
"Of course" they said as one strapped me down and the other rode my face and we had an awesome threesome in the doctors office.


Let's fuck some shit up
My gf had (still has) endemetriosis. The surgery is simple enough if you've got a good gyn.