I thought it was the huge purple dildo and other spiritual things

Love Child

One Love
I had to wait a month in advacne to get mine. But maybe now I will have a little more pull. Book your appointment with me and I'll get you in the door quickly.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I was in the doctors office with 3 other brunettes who were all the same age as myself. But I was the only one who had her hoo-ha exposed and her feet in stirups sitting on a table. It was like the beginning of a great porn except the part where they tell you you have endometriosis.
"So does this mean I can still fuck with huge purple dildos?" I asked
"Of course" they said as one strapped me down and the other rode my face and we had an awesome threesome in the doctors office.

From what you had said before, I wondered if it was Endometriosis. My sister had that. I'm glad you found out what it is.

Love Child

One Love
I would be lying if I said I wasn't afraid. I will be having laproscopic surgery in January. What this entails is a surgeon making an incision in my belly button and using a laparoscope to look inside my abdominal cavity. I am going to ask if he/she can upload it to youtube immedietly. Then while they are looking around they will possibly make another incision just above my pubic hairline to use other surgical instruments to treat the condition. I wonder if I should grow hair then so they can find the hair line?
I will then be injected with CO2 to expand my abdominal cavity and lift and seperate my organs, sounds kind of fun.

I wish the surgery was sooner, I continue to have pain and am becoming more and more depressed about it. Family doesn't understand my pain, friends do, work sucks because I am in pain and refuse to "take it easy".

I really do not like talking about it with so many people-I have a tendancy to hold it all inside then explode, and posting about it is not ideal either becuase I know how y'all don't like to be depressed when you come to the MF etc etc.

Anyway I would love jokes and distractions which is what the internet is anyway for me 1/2 the time. I just felt a need to write about what is on my mind tonight.

The other dificulty I am having is my new diet restrictions. I have been learning that diet can play a part in pain management. You would think if something I ate caused me pain I would not eat it right-but I have to quit my caffiene intake, dairy intake and wheat products.
All that is left is fruits and vegatables and a fine glass of water!

Have any menu ideas? Oh, at least I can eat fish. ;)

Dr Dave

You should find a cardboard cutout of Dr.Nick and put it in the OR while they do you up.

It will be insperational!