I thought today was the day


I love you
Standing on a wobbly surface
changing a light bulb
using a pair of pliers to remove the broken off piece stuck inside the socket
I'm just kidding
I wasn't really standing on a wobbly surface


I love you
I might die when my roommate comes home and says something stupid like, "you did it wrong"
Then I will be like
"Fucking bitch! No I didn't!"
And then she will be like, "Yeah you did!"
And then she will be like, "You are killing the earth because you got the wrong kind of bulb" or something like that
but then I will just kill myself instead
just kidding no I won't
I can joke about that kind of stuff right?


I want to smell dark matter
I ate melted cheese and now my chest hurts.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I eat a lot of soy cheese.

My chest doesn't hurt, but it's slowly turning into two boobies.


Can I have Ops?
But I have an image of you as a effortlessly stylish, lithe New York homosexual. A little like Alan Cumming. PLEASE DON'T DESTROY THIS MENTAL IMAGE

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
That's who I am on the inside, anyway. ;)


I want to smell dark matter
I'm not fat, just destined to die of heart disease at 33.

I Love Cunt

Watch It
I finally feel like a normal fucking human being again. That is good because I thought I was going to have to take a stake to my brain or something.

I Love Cunt

Watch It
I'm not fat, just destined to die of heart disease at 33.

This tells me so many things.
Mostly that I am probably slightly older than you.
I mean, I am always 28 on the internet.
Carry on.
But wait, this wasn't about me, its about you! Don't die CaptainWacky! Progress has been made! People don't have to die anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!