I threw poo at the door today


Elder Statesman
I use a catapult.

Lots of shit (and I keep it off of my hands that way).

I Love Cunt

Watch It
I had taken 2 dogs outside with the leashes. As I am cleaning up after the puppy it decides to free itself from its leash. It falls on the ground beneath me, I thought at first that my keys had dropped from my pocket, then realized it was his collar.

I turn around to see a naked doggy running towards the house. I quickly clean up and run after the puppy with the other dog in tow, and then realize he is going for the door and I threw the bag of poo at the garage.

There is a long hallway towards the door, so it isn't a standard door next to garage area and the dog could have ran into the street.

I get both dogs safely inside and go back outside to pick up the bag and began to laugh because I realized that now I could say I had flung poo, a bag of poo even at someone's door. It was not my own door, I was house sitting.