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I am serious!! I met this guy for a beer at a pool hall type biker bar (his choice), I'm in the middle of telling him something, he interrupts me and says....."Are we going to start dating?".......and I am like....."huh? I don't know?? I really don't know you very well so I cannot make an informed decision about it at this point".........then he kind of got a bad attitude and wanted to play another game of pool. So I am thinking.....maybe I should axe him a little more about I axe...."Since you are independently wealthy, work only when you want, what do you do all day?" to which he replied....."I work out (big gut) and play pool".......and I am like........"thats it?? what else?"..... and he said I deal drugs too. And I am like wtf?? are you serious?? then he mentioned it again and I am like ....."arent' you a little old to be a drug dealer?" and he kind of laughed but copped an even bigger attitude, got real evasive and I realized at that moment he really was a drug dealer. Needless to say, the date ended after I whipped his sorry drug-dealing ass at another game of pool.

I thought to myself on the way home............I bet he is Dawn and Jacks drug dealer cause they all seem to be on the same kind of drugs.
I am turning him in to the authoratahs tomorrow. I have his name and phone number...........they can track him down and confiscate the obviously HORRIBLE drugs they have here in Austin.

and NO, I will NOT be going out with him again.
Nice try at running a game Asshole, you are about as lame as Dawn & Jack.
First red flag was within 5 minutes of meeting you. Second red flag was during my telephone interview with you when I axed for an email and you said you didn't have a compooter. You have been on two years (LOSER), yet you don't have a puter. You made a statement last night that led me to believe the only way you would know that information is if Dawn or Jack told you.
You also axed if I was still being harassed..........I would say YES to that considering the FACT you idiots are still bringing it to me in real life in the form of your insane games that you think you are good at. I have warned people on these internets repeatedly that you might be able to run a game online but the chances of you running the same game on me in real life are.............ZERO.

On a positive note, I do think he appreciated my pool-playing skillz. I managed to hit the white ball in the hole four times in one game. He said that was a record.
Dawn and Jack are going to be in the bar at the Omni downtown in May too. Bring extra tapes for your video recorder.
I also noticed as I walked out of the womens restroom (at movie) and looked directly into the mens restroom hall you were talking to someone, did a double-take when you saw me looking at you, then you came out. Who were you talking too in there?? A possible customer?? I hear guys "do it" in mens bathrooms sometimes??? That is what my gay hairdresser told me anyway??

For a Good 512-293-8778.
eloisel said:
Dawn and Jack are going to be in the bar at the Omni downtown in May too. Bring extra tapes for your video recorder.

Thats a big Ten-Four!! I will bring my bodyguard Dawgz too...........just in case you idiots try anything stupid.

On the other hand..........I probably won't be in Austin in May. I am leaving this GodForSaken Hellhole.
Marvelous - I hope you find a new place more to your liking soon. Austin really is for the kind of people who like to dine out, be involved in the arts, are involved in higher education, and enjoy a good party. It also helps if you enjoy rafting on the river in San Marcos.

I've lived all over the country. Perhaps I can help you in your relocaton efforts. Besides hanging out at pool halls with drug dealers and peeking into men's bathrooms at the movie theater, what else do you do? Most of the places I know of are for artists, writers, and musicians. Are you gifted in any of those endeavours?
eloisel said:
Marvelous - I hope you find a new place more to your liking soon. Austin really is for the kind of people who like to dine out, be involved in the arts, are involved in higher education, and enjoy a good party. It also helps if you enjoy rafting on the river in San Marcos.
I like to dine out, the arts, higher education and a good party. Unfortunately I have not been able to experience this kind of enjoyment in Austin because of the idiot "cloak & dagger" bunch who have made my life an even bigger nightmare than it was.

eloisel said:
I've lived all over the country. Perhaps I can help you in your relocaton efforts. Besides hanging out at pool halls with drug dealers and peeking into men's bathrooms at the movie theater, what else do you do? Most of the places I know of are for artists, writers, and musicians. Are you gifted in any of those endeavours?
Yeah eloisel.........I think I will stick with my own relocations efforts the next time, but thanks for offering. Hanging out at pool halls with drug dealers?? I don't hang out at pool halls........I didn't know what kind of place this was until I got there, I also didn't know he was a drug dealer until he told me then he copped a nasty attitude when I told him he was a little old to being doing that kind of crap.
Artists, Writers, Musicians................are my kind of people. Love them, just haven't met any here. Am I gifted in that area?? Some would say I am, I enjoy floral and interior design.......have done it as a hobby for years........started making extra money on the side after people saw my work and commissioned me. I am also good at landscaping, manuel labor and landscape design but nobody will hire me here because I cannot list it on my resume since I only designed my yard in TN and helped my neighbors with some of their design.

Thanks for asking eloisel. Maybe you aren't so bad.
eloisel said:
Dawn and Jack are going to be in the bar at the Omni downtown in May too. Bring extra tapes for your video recorder.

I GIT it eloisel............Dawn/Jack/Robert/You=LOSERS

You people are a BIG fucking joke. Like I have said over and over and over........I am much better in real life.

SpecialOpsBigFoot...............I'm on his side if he isn't on your side. This guy is not to be trifled with.......make no mistake about it. He plays for keeps if he even plays at all, he isn't a bullshitter, I would never be able to run a game on him the way I have you guys, I sized him up fairly quickly just like I sized all you idiots up. That is why I didn't even try to run on game on him......he wasn't trying to run one on me.

I was intimidated by his big hands and feet too. Especially his hands........I could imagine myself pissing him off and his big hands wrapped around my neck. Like I said..............not even that stupid. I know who to play and who not to play.
Here is something else for you to think about...........I know these other guys aren't Saints........but they didn't run their MINDFUCK games like you people did. Dawn tortured me for 6 fucking weeks with her weak crap. I repeatedly asked her what was going on and she kept up the game. Then she recruited other people to fuck with me............namely, the cheap loser asshole I had a beer with last night. You people would have won this war if you would have been HONEST but none of you have an HONEST bone in your body. I also have enough on three of you to bring CRIMINAL charges............I don't care WHO commissioned the crimes on me, you people were stupid enough to do it. What does that say for you??? then you fuck with me........and keep fucking with me. THAT IS WHAT PISSED ME OFF MORE THAN ANYTHING. This SpecialOps guy.........he didn't fuck with me, he got a message to me, plain and simple........but he didn't try to run some bullshit game on me.

You couldn't have paid me enough money to do what you did.
What you guys did is TORTURE. Then you probably all got together and had a good laugh. FUCK YOU...........RUN THE GAME IN COURT, IN FRONT OF A JUDGE, IN FRONT OF A JURY.
You tell Robert Layman this him because he doesn't have a computer *rolls eyes*.........512-293-8778. Last night I gave your camp one last chance to come was the FINAL chance. Now I can drag him in with the rest of you and he can explain his MINDFUCK the way the rest of you are going to explain your MINDFUCKS.

I have given all of you the most opportunities of all..........but you are all so CLEVER, smarter than me, run the game better.

In your fucking dreams. I will be seeing you before May. Count on it. It will be in criminal court.
eloisel said:
Marvelous - I hope you find a new place more to your liking soon. Austin really is for the kind of people who like to dine out, be involved in the arts, are involved in higher education, and enjoy a good party. It also helps if you enjoy rafting on the river in San Marcos.

I've lived all over the country. Perhaps I can help you in your relocaton efforts.

Gee eloisel...........I have never known a paralegal who makes enough money to travel all over the country, much less LIVE all over the country. You have got to be shitting me about relocation efforts.............Dawn's relocation efforts ended up being the WORST nightmare of my life that made me fear for my Goddamn Safety, then she wanted to keep it up. I was looking forward to a new beginning, a new start, I placed my trust in someone who ended up fucking me over, then profited from it.

FUCK YOU ASSHOLES. You are the most malicious, duplicitous people I have ever encountered in my ENTIRE life.
eloisel said:
Dawn and Jack are going to be in the bar at the Omni downtown in May too. Bring extra tapes for your video recorder.

You tell that CUNT I will have her realtors license. How many people has she given my fucked up financial information to?? This is about information about buyers/sellers of property to their friends. How did Robert know how much money I put down on my house?? how did he know I took out a loan?? what else does he know?? She is a fucking piece of trash........after all, she had her sister pull financials on Jack. She knows his net worth. She probably knows how much everyone on this board is worth and how much every real estate client she has ever come in contact is worth.............then she freely shares that information with other people.

You people have some serious problems.

fiduciary duty is a legal relationship between two or more parties (most commonly a "fiduciary" or "trustee" and a "principal" or "beneficiary") that in English common law is arguably the most important concept within the portion of the legal system known as equity. Since the Judicature Acts merged the courts of Equity (historically based in England's Court of Chancery) with the courts of common law, the concept of fiduciary duty also became usable in common law courts.

A fiduciary duty is the highest standard of care imposed at either equity or law. A fiduciary is expected to be extremely loyal to the person to whom they owe the duty (the "principal"): they must not put their personal interests before the duty, and must not profit from their position as a fiduciary, unless the principal consents. The fiduciary relationship is highlighted by good faith, loyalty and trust, and the word itself originally comes from the Latin fides, meaning faith, and fiducia.

When a fiduciary duty is imposed, equity requires a stricter standard of behaviour than the comparable tortious duty of care at common law. It is said the fiduciary has a duty not to be in a situation where personal interests and fiduciary duty conflict, a duty not to be in a situation where their fiduciary duty conflicts with another fiduciary duty, and a duty not to profit from their fiduciary position without express knowledge and consent. A fiduciary cannot have a conflict of interest. It has been said that fiduciaries must conduct themselves "at a level higher than that trodden by the crowd."
How did Robert know I didn't have a job when I purchased my house here in Austin?? I NEVER mentioned anything about that, I told him I was looking for a job here now and the problems I was encountering, but I never told him I was not employed when I purchased this house.
I could have been employed in TN when I purchased this house, people do stuff like that all the time, purchase a house in another state while living and working in another state. How did he know I was not employed during the purchasing process??
Dear, you are in serious need of some valium or something.
Are you really insane or is this all an act?