I wish I was a Knife


Let's be making sexy business
I wish I was a knife,
so I could slip in your grip
And cut you and see and it
and watch you bleed out your life.

I wish i was some stairs
So I could trip up your feet
and watch you fall through
a crowd of onlookers’ stares

I wish I was a spark of flame
So I could burn your finger
when you light that cigarette,
that habit of yours I once overcame

I wish I was an empty glass
of wine that you drank tonight
and all that was left in me
was the poison’s residual gas

If you were dead and gone
I’d feel bad about this song
Until I forgot the pain again
Until your memory was gone

I’m getting good at that by now
the pain you cause hurts less
each time you cut me, i still bleed
but the scars will close somehow

once upon a time i loved you
once upon a time you lied
once upon a time you loved me
in my absence, seems to me

you crave the pain, you like it
you need disdain, you want it
you think it somehow makes you deep
you sleep and you’re weak and you weep

you tell your friends that you’re strong
and opinionated and unique
but i realized before very long
that your heart mind and soul are weak.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Hopefully you got to freely come in her a few times first.


Let's be making sexy business
well, she never charged me money or anything, if that's what you mean, jack.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
LOL, didn't take Dono long to rope 'n ride you, I see.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
well, she never charged me money or anything, if that's what you mean, jack.

The craziest meanest cunt bitch I ever knew was absolutely the best fuck of all time.
LOL, didn't take Dono long to rope 'n ride you, I see.

I wonder if it's possible to post anything anywhere for the first time without some regular immediately claiming pwn or troll. I've never seen it happen. Usually because someone like you throws it down just in case. I think The Saint beat you to whatever postion you think you've secured by telling me to fuck off for saying hello. I hope he's not one of your duals too.


Let's be making sexy business
The craziest meanest cunt bitch I ever knew was absolutely the best fuck of all time.
yeah.... crazy usually equals hot sex...

i didn't think she was.... but then... she WAS!

i try not to get crazy on my cock. it's hard to get that off of there.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I wonder if it's possible to post anything anywhere for the first time without some regular immediately claiming pwn or troll. I've never seen it happen. Usually because someone like you throws it down just in case. I think The Saint beat you to whatever postion you think you've secured by telling me to fuck off for saying hello. I hope he's not one of your duals too.

Did you get the can of gravy I sent you?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Are you deaf?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You never got the can of gravy I sent you?

Are you absolutely sure? It's really yummy CIA gravy. It's so good, you can put it on everything, practically.


Let's be making sexy business
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
This poem makes no sense

Love Child

One Love
I wonder if it's possible to post anything anywhere for the first time without some regular immediately claiming pwn or troll. I've never seen it happen. Usually because someone like you throws it down just in case. I think The Saint beat you to whatever postion you think you've secured by telling me to fuck off for saying hello. I hope he's not one of your duals too.

Well, if you were a girl the first thing said to you would be "Tits or GTFO"